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SwiftNautilus Mute Appeal

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New Member
I was muted in July of 2023 for some extremely racist jokes I made in public chat. I was warned before this for some other incident I don't have knowledge of but I will assume it was just as bad. I didn't really care much about the server and I had no idea of it's strict moderation. If I had known of the rules or cared about the server I'm sure I wouldn't have done something like this. I realize what was a joke for me which I'd usually make on a bunch of servers without getting punished for it, would potentially be offensive to someone and make them feel bad, which wasn't my intention even back then. Writing this 8 months later I look back on my behaviour not just on Loka but on all servers and I see how racist I was. I've become more active on the server recently and it's one of the few servers that I actually enjoy playing on. I can't message anyone, I can't talk in any chat and I think this is the way the Admins designed it so you really regret your actions. I once again apologize to anyone who I offended with the racist jokes I said, I didn't mean to hurt anyone and at the time I thought it was a 'funny' thing to do. I've come to learn a lot about the world through many movies I've watched or articles I've read, and I realized what I thought was funny, was based on real harm that was caused throughout history, and I apologize for my ignorance.

-Sincerely, SwiftNautilus
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