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Sylvis: The Megatown of Loka


Well-Known Member

Sylvis - Update #4
Been a while since the last time that I updated this thread, so figured that I would do one for the new year. Lots of stuffs has happened since the last update, including the completion of our storage room! Some photos are below:


We've also finished what may just be the largest autosmelter on Loka! A total of 128 furnaces and 400 hoppers makes for an absolute beast of a smelter. This thing can finish a stack of items in less than one minute, which is just insane. And, as far as I'm aware, I think this is the largest smelter currently in operation.


That's pretty much the state of affairs at the moment though. We've also completed the flattening and clearing of all the land within the top of the town, but that's not very exciting.
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Well-Known Member

It might be the site of a cult


Well-Known Member

Sylvis - Update #5

We have done a major amount of tomfoolery.

The Mega Town of Sylvis has today embarked on the creation of the Greater Sylvis Alliance for the control and prosperity of Garama.

In solitude for a long winter, the native Sylvians have come together and formed a core to this new empire quite unbreakable. The Sylvians are prepared to create an empire unbreakable by all but their own.

Jammin, Lufer, Menta, and Cheater bring their allies of lands far away. Locked up in the Ascalonian mountains for too long, these warriors of solidity and valiance are prepared to do whatever it takes to becomes the true controllers of the Garaman front.

Tsun, Adara and the Royal Airforce have returned to the Garaman shores once again to help fly the alliance to victory under the banner of Sylvis! Early battle reports have left us with an overwhelming victory against opposition forces as we sweep the continent from our impenetrable fort within the Deadlands!

From behind our walls of steel and trench of fire we shall outlast any invaders! Brew your potions, sharpen your swords and hammer your armor! Sylvis and her allies will no longer sit as the neutrals of Garama but rather become the Overlords of Garama! Our town progress has been brilliant, our storage is vast and our coffers strong. The Sylvian armies grow by the day and are mightier than any who oppose us. Prepare, Arm, Fight for the sake of Sylvis and for Garama!

