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Take the Drama to Your Mama


Seriously all i keep seeing is just drama banter torwards one another. I have recently seen it skyrocket since the Helrune raid. Now differant posts here are starting to become, what Alchemy said in the "current state of affairs", a mexican soap opera. Thats all i am picking up here. Maybe I am the only one, not sure at this point. I have took the postion of the person on standby watching the chaos. And its intense guys. Even in game, Im seeing people being strongly passive aggressive to targeted players. It is frustrating to witness as I would want to help but then they get themselves into a clusterf*** type of a fight, then the person who was in the fight eventually joins the other by them being both in the wrong..... Then thats when I usually make a face that resembles "is really everyone retarded?" and throw my hands up because there is nothing to do about it. I have seen this happen multiple time...... Useless... Drama-filled....Fighting... -.-
Maybe im the only one who feels this way. I am not to sure. Just thought I would put in my two cents.
Peace out.


Well-Known Member
This is a role play server, drama is how we all role play, get used to it.
Tough Love


Staff member
I think you're just seeing what occurs normally in chat on the server manifested in the forums where you actually read it all.


Well-Known Member
Part of what makes this server what it is is the... interesting and dramatic community (in my opinion). I love the drama :D


Behavior is communication

Everyone is escalated in some fashion. It is important that we don't over look what is being said, but try to find the root of the escalation. This way we can develope proper strategies for meeting the major needs of Lokians.

Now I go back to work.

Skitch the Wolf

New Member
I feel like it might depend on who's in the conversation. There are those few Lokians who are more prone to "drama" than the rest of us.