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Thank You and Goodbye!


Well-Known Member
When Nokiaman, Stampen, and Quaz invited me to join Loka 4ish years ago I had no idea the amount of fun or impact it would have on me.

When I think about Minecraft the only thing that comes to mind is LOKA. The strategy, countless battles, and the great friendships I endured during my time here will never be forgotten. I have been in many alliances and met many different people; this has been a joy to me.

I would like to thank the many important people who played with and against me during my time here. You all know who you are :)

Also thank you to the loka staff team and especially the owners. This is truly a one of a kind staff/development team and it is showing with a growing player base. It has been cool to watch loka grow from a 5-10 person average to now having insanely epic fights.

As I depart from a great time on loka I leave everyone with one reminder. Loka is more than a game, it is a community. You may fight here and there, but treat each other with respect, subscribe to your fellow youtubers, and have fun!

All things must come to an end, but they don't have to be forgotten. Best of luck to all, I look forward checking in and seeing the server grow even more.

Go Forth - Jammin.


Well-Known Member
Bye Jammin, taking Garama with you and doing Jammin_Mas Down against you was quite fun and I am glad to have been your ally in the end :maggers:


Well-Known Member
Awww dude that's unfortunate to hear. I remember joining Loka for the first time and then making my first town and being lucky enough to have you and some other goobers join.

Best of luck on the future. Enjoy yourself and if the need appears there's always more Loka.


Active Member

On a serious note Goodbye Jammin ik i didnt talk to you a ton but you were a nice guy


Well-Known Member
goodbye hammin... despite our differences (COV) you and your war-waging town gave me my first taste of conquest without which i might not've stuck around, thanks for saving me and others from any worse servers we would've played in loka's place

one last jammin_mas down...


Staff member
It's been a pleasure watching the shenanigans and adventures of your time on Loka. Hope whatever you're moving on to brings you great joy and memes.

As always, go forth! We'll leave the Artifact on for you. :kiting:


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping the sword.

No, but seriously. I remember full well the fun, terror, and stress of the Utumno War. I had only been on Loka for a month and those fights hands down rank higher than any others (save maybe the Dong Dank v. Silverhand fight on Garama for cap in February of 2018). Also, would argue they led to the greatest Spring and early Summer conquest on Loka EVER, but you know. (Yeah, I said it). In fact, I'm pretty sure our very first or maybe second fight lasted a full hour as we defended against you and your compatriots on the coast of the Mushroom isle. I learned so much about how to (and also how not to, rip opening vuln and losing most if not all of the mushroom isle) play Loka from those fights in December 2017 and January 2018. Intense memories that hold a SPECIAL place in my brain.

SO with all of that being said, as often as we were against each other it has been a very DISTINCT pleasure. I will miss you.

Also, you still owe me shulkers from Myrefall, okay great thanks. No, seriously, I'm keeping the sword.