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Active Member
Damn man its sad to see you go, we had a past for sure. Fought each other became allies. All of that stuff. I had SO much fun with you. The Utumno War was

some of the best times ive had early on. I Also had to agree with sparky if it wasn't for the Utumno War i have no clue where loka would be. Shortly after

this there was the Valinor war and man I don't think i got to touch on this that much other then some of the best conquest the server has seen. But man

thanks, You taught me so much about loka and I'm not to sure if I would of stuck around till now if it wasn't for you. Good luck with things. I cant wait to

catch up with you :)


Well-Known Member
We joined around the same time on Loka and it's been nice having a name that's recognisable most times I log on, you've certainly been an interesting player to play with and be around, you'll be back though, they all come back :).

Just remember I win since I never paid those 64 gold blocks for neutrality.