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The Lokan Saga


Active Member
Well there were a few days preceding this new world where MrAlchemy repeatedly and creatively tried to break the artifact. Good times. :)


Well-Known Member
The Artifact sat atop the mountain for over a year not moving an inch. Would be a very uneventful story :p
Someone walked up to me. They left... Someone approached me a week later touched me and went flying. A very sad tale if you ask me. The lonely life of the Artifact who couldn't be touched by another living thing without pushing them away.
I'd assume the reach of the Artifact covers all of Loka. Imagine a story told not by any person, but an unbiased view of everything going on that the Artifact can see. The ongoing story of everything within the reach of the Artifact.


Active Member
I'd assume the reach of the Artifact covers all of Loka. Imagine a story told not by any person, but an unbiased view of everything going on that the Artifact can see. The ongoing story of everything within the reach of the Artifact.
While that's great in theory and I thought about doing an omniscient POV or even character progression like ASoIaF, it would take monumental effort to get every detail to do it right. Even then people would disagree on many aspects.

I've actually considered changing all names and some other aspects so that when there are deviations, no one could get too upset as it wouldn't be so closely parallel. There will be a lot that isn't identical. The name Hyrule, for instance, cannot be used. Jedi would also be off limits. Just another reason I've started drifting from the name Targaryen.

In any case, some things will differ for progression or theatrical purposes. Others will be changed to avoid any chance of copyright and some will be altered for the simple fact that there are so many different accounts of events, opinionated recounts, and obscurity in the server's 'official' releases.


Active Member
Yeah but I can get away with using a first name. Targaryen is an icon but Aegon not quite as much. I have considered changing his name entirely for the books.