When people all want different things, then which solutions are we meant to implement exactly?
I don't think anybody has suggested any new land after Cove, and 1 dev member having fun making another Cove map does not mean "the full weight of the entire dev team's resources" were consumed. Cove was, by the way, in
direct response to player feedback. Not everybody gets what they want.
Some want end pvp, except conveniently forget the volume of town owners screaming at us that their players were just voiding all their sets. The other half screamed about invis at end. Third, the End needed to be a place where there could be appropriate resource gathering like the Nether, rather than a 24/7 gankfest outside docks, hence it becoming yellow tag.
The solution was clearly a small, well controlled environment for ganks and it was pretty overwhelmingly successful by many accounts, metrics, and player feedback. Of course not everybody likes it, but also many do. When there are a constantly healthy quantity of players at Cove and have been ever since its creation, does that mean "nobody likes it or asked for it?", Or does it mean that it's just a simple, successful feature that you personally just don't like?
You have a tendency to use words like "nobody" and "everybody" on behalf of the entire server, when speaking only for yourself. We have to measure reality vs loudness. Forum post feedback is great, but a forum post does not a server-change guarantee. There's a notable difference between what people say and what they do in-game.
Total Deaths on Cove over the past 30d totaling close to 24,000 deaths. It seems pretty active to me:
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