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Suggestion The Many Reasons To Remove Zyre Cove. by Blissterz

There sure are a lot of nobody enjoying and playing all of these things you just listed. Like I said, can't win em all.
yes a lot of people enjoy what they can about the updates you push that they didn’t ask for because at least it’s new content and bandaids the original problem for a short period of time. you constantly take only the positive feedback because the reality is you guys don’t update anything that people want updated, you just add new, but not new stuff people want, just new stuff. everyone likes new things but doesn’t make all the other stuff go away.

people enjoying something and asking for something aren’t the same. and if you keep the same approach you take now which is just throw a new body of land at players to keep them quiet, it’ll start to not work.
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you guys don’t update anything that people want updated
When people all want different things, then which solutions are we meant to implement exactly?

which is just throw a new body of land at players to keep them quiet
I don't think anybody has suggested any new land after Cove, and 1 dev member having fun making another Cove map does not mean "the full weight of the entire dev team's resources" were consumed. Cove was, by the way, in direct response to player feedback. Not everybody gets what they want.

Some want end pvp, except conveniently forget the volume of town owners screaming at us that their players were just voiding all their sets. The other half screamed about invis at end. Third, the End needed to be a place where there could be appropriate resource gathering like the Nether, rather than a 24/7 gankfest outside docks, hence it becoming yellow tag.

The solution was clearly a small, well controlled environment for ganks and it was pretty overwhelmingly successful by many accounts, metrics, and player feedback. Of course not everybody likes it, but also many do. When there are a constantly healthy quantity of players at Cove and have been ever since its creation, does that mean "nobody likes it or asked for it?", Or does it mean that it's just a simple, successful feature that you personally just don't like?

You have a tendency to use words like "nobody" and "everybody" on behalf of the entire server, when speaking only for yourself. We have to measure reality vs loudness. Forum post feedback is great, but a forum post does not a server-change guarantee. There's a notable difference between what people say and what they do in-game.

Total Deaths on Cove over the past 30d totaling close to 24,000 deaths. It seems pretty active to me:
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When people all want different things, then which solutions are we meant to implement exactly?

I don't think anybody has suggested any new land after Cove, and 1 dev member having fun making another Cove map does not mean "the full weight of the entire dev team's resources" were consumed. Cove was, by the way, in direct response to player feedback. Not everybody gets what they want.

Some want end pvp, except conveniently forget the volume of town owners screaming at us that their players were just voiding all their sets. The other half screamed about invis at end. Third, the End needed to be a place where there could be appropriate resource gathering like the Nether, rather than a 24/7 gankfest outside docks, hence it becoming yellow tag.

The solution was clearly a small, well controlled environment for ganks and it was pretty overwhelmingly successful by many accounts, metrics, and player feedback. Of course not everybody likes it, but also many do. When there are a constantly healthy quantity of players at Cove and have been ever since its creation, does that mean "nobody likes it or asked for it?", Or does it mean that it's just a simple, successful feature that you personally just don't like?

You have a tendency to use words like "nobody" and "everybody" on behalf of the entire server, when speaking only for yourself. We have to measure reality vs loudness. Forum post feedback is great, but a forum post does not a server-change guarantee. There's a notable difference between what people say and what they do in-game.

Total Deaths on Cove over the past 30d totaling close to 24,000 deaths. It seems pretty active to me:
View attachment 8586
you ignored the part where i listed that you guys chose new continents over updating everything you currently have like i said end, nether etc. you consistently do promise updates for these are coming and in the works and then drop content unrelated. just because i say nobody asked for it doesn’t mean i dont like it, i’m one of the most active people dying at cove. but you consistently don’t focus on things that are important and continue to be complained about for years. majority of players did not want zyre and rivina when they came out and as a result of that rivina basically only gets used for fun fights. people liked beachheads and i haven’t seen any dev time spent on a new approach to make them work? you guys took them away and said oh well. whatever you push aside and consider as loudness vs reality is just what you don’t want to fix.

its like saying mutators are a successful feature when most of the time the territories are avoided and people are only ok with placing on specific mutators. they were 100% a terrible way of spicing up conquest and dev time wasted. you basically just coded in another obstacle for people to explain and avoid.

to put this into perspective. people complained about sets getting voided in the end so much, that you dropped cove. but you don’t find a solution for most things with such a sense of urgency like you did with end and cove. like if cove was in response to direct player feedback then respond to more things the community has said? I didn't complain that cove exists, I complained that it exists while theres an abundance of other (older) things that could be addressed, added, or fixed.
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people complained about sets getting voided in the end so much, that you dropped cove. but you don’t find a solution for most things with such a sense of urgency like you did with end and cove.
I would personally think its not as complicated to make a world painter map as this suggests. It could take one person who's bored for a month to make a decent lookin' map that is still widely used for clicking. While content like industry and quest creation take a lot more planning than some extremely light worldbuilding.

The point being that one thing is significantly easier as there is less loops to go through, which make it seem like it's the only thing the team is building upon, when I can name several projects ongoing in my head.
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I would personally think its not as complicated to make a world painter map as this suggests. It would take one person who's bored for a month to make a decent lookin' map that is still widely used for clicking. While content like industry and quest creation take a lot more planning than some extremely light worldbuilding.
thanks for proving my point. 1 person spent a whole month on cove.

edit: he edited it so it doesn’t prove my point
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Zachary said "it could" take a month. Mocc took less than a week of off-and-on time in WP to put Cove together.
I am more new to the community only playing a year, I joined in may when end was being switched to zyre and I personally think overall Loka is a very diverse community of builders, pvpers, and people in general and whatever you guys end up doing someone will not like it. My solution to this is somewhat a combination of what Blissterz and others have said. Add 9 more rotating maps over time 1 a month and make it so every time a new map gets added its thrown in a circulation with the other cove map and added maps. Essentially releasing a small map every month and making a fun rotation that people can look foreward to (ex. Haloween cove, Christmas cove, sky themed cove, underwater theme cove, etc) and people overtime will form opinions on what their favorites are and maybe that will cause spikes in ganks on certain days. It would for sure spice up things ganking wise and I think it would be fun.