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The Missing Link

I agree that RP events are fun, but
But they enrich the lore of the server, which is less exciting and in-depth as it is advertised, involves players in said lore and events, and can even introduce new players who are online at the time to this new aspect of Loka - and yet all I seem to hear from Crypt and other admins is how much of a pain in the arse they are to set up. They may be a pain, but LOKA NEEDS THEM, and if you need help setting something up then all you need to do is ask. I've been on this server for close to three years, and been actively involved in a whopping three major RP events. If we could do something to make them maybe once a month instead of once every twelve, that would be lovely.
But they enrich the lore of the server, which is less exciting and in-depth as it is advertised, involves players in said lore and events, and can even introduce new players who are online at the time to this new aspect of Loka - and yet all I seem to hear from Crypt and other admins is how much of a pain in the arse they are to set up. They may be a pain, but LOKA NEEDS THEM, and if you need help setting something up then all you need to do is ask. I've been on this server for close to three years, and been actively involved in a whopping three major RP events. If we could do something to make them maybe once a month instead of once every twelve, that would be lovely.
^ Lea and I would be happy to help.
in-depth as it is advertised

We're only advertised as having light RP.

But I'm on board with what everyone is saying about needing RP. Huge events will be rare if I have to guess but once the PvE update gets closer there will be more frequent (and many times random) RP events and encounters. I say this as cautiously as possible for the simple fact that I can't speak for what everyone will consider frequent.

Rest assured, more is coming but no one wants to go in half assed. It's still just not the priority also.
  • Update to 1.8
  • Refining existing game types
  • Fixing the long list of issues/bugs already present
  • ...industries
These four bullets alone take a vast amount of time and thought right now, unfortunately. It's hard to focus on any expansive attempt at organized roleplay when the town mechanics aren't even finished. However, it is being worked. I'm sorry to say it's just not fast.
I think I'm going to get with Crypt and start monthly events. I'll personally try to make one happen monthly come hell or high water. Unless it's something out of my control (or the admin team in general) everyone should start seeing some things happening! :)

Keep an eye out for a dedicated thread as well as notifications for upcoming events. There will be your run-of-the-mill events and there will be seasonal events if I can get the ball rolling right.
Maybe we need a New server Destorying virus.. something to wipe the slate clean. Some cataclysm to really cause death to all things.. towns in a panic, Fearful, Really pressed for time and resources to halt the growing plague upon the land. To save them selves. Maybe Something different then the blight. Like a Giant erruption that seeks to evelope the world in darknes... A horde of Undead that live through the day and night. Or mayber Large undead assualts upon towns As they try to get inside and go on a murdering rampage. We need to clear the crop Per say...

To many towns with not any players in it.. YES im talking about mine aswell..I have been thinking this over. If we had Ether a smaller map which can be comtroled by an empire lets say the Alliances that are now standing become the world powers in a form taking claim over a small part of the smaller map. Woulc cause conflict between the nations whichs leads to more political negotiations more pvp more things happening keeping newer members intrested Revisiting the introduction and really As someone said here "Barney Styling" them by teaching them the things they need to know on the world around them. I understand what this means for Fel'Bthalft along with other New towns That are in the easiest to say inactive and taking up space. To limit the space of players in a smaller map is a natural way to bring conflict and constant excitement to the world. More chances for Roleplay character to character. More chances for World PvP, More chances for Territory fights, Do I think If this happened it should All be started anew..Yes. Do I think this can be done on the current map. If limited and Cities that reach out that are Active Those I can name are I would Believe Dragonstone, Albion, Freesia, Arcadia, PorpoisePavllion. Places like those who have around 3-5 members active online places like them which really brings to life with Builds and cities they create ((Im going from speaking about like Albion and Dragonstone as I have not seen others... so dont cut my head off for not mentioning your towns.))

Alt towns towns of others who are just held together by the alts of others on the server I think should not exist. It would take up space in the already smaller map and would divide even more new players to those towns that are being run by Alts of players who are already in another which would give in the long run unfair advantage to those towns in conflict but mostly cause a rift between the division of new members amongest the in Short Capital Towns and i dont mean like Capital as we know it here on loka I mean towns that are Capitals of their Empire. These town who embody their ideals through the structures and monuments they build in both Building, Conflicts, and Roleplay. This would allow newer members brought by advertisement campaigns to really enjoy quickly the server as everything is close everything is happening quick there is always something happening something to do. its not the dull drag of quarrying, stripmining, terraforming, building, and the same old same old day in day out. We need to appeal to the masses each place each empire the Server as a Whole. which having the reduced map would do. Yes resources would be more vaulable as there would be a limit to the availabilty to even things as common as stone dirt. As now you have only what is there in your empires territory to gather. But that also would cause a REASON for conflict The other guys have a NEEDED resource you desire. Well ether go over there take their Mesa biome through conflict. Or negotiate a trade diplomaticlly through roleplay or not how ever you wish to go about that. The larger the map gets the More elbow room everyone has the easier they can breathe the more laxed they get the more they do of simple mining and working surviving and the less conflict happens it becomes a stale drag of days that are counted by resources and time spent.

My purposal is short. New map, Smaller map, Divided Empires dictated by the Alliances we have now. This gives them developement between their Empires internally and Externally. I believe to help really bring in order this change a Capital Town must be present. For each Empire their must be a Symbol, a reason to keep fighting besides just resources, Their must be a place of refuge for Those early weeks and months where Towns have yet to develope. A Landmark and central economic home where buisness and interraction can be made INTERNALLY BETWEEN EACH EMPIRE! not between the World as the empires had not yet grown to that state. The Territory, town, and other plugins already made would thrive here on a smaller map where the lands are defined by The empires that own them and the Natural look of it. One empire could own the Mesa they be the reason to trade with them or attack them if they would not listen to trade. If someone Owns an ocean and makes a nation floating upon the surface of the ocean or under they own resources there aswell Like Prism Shards (YES I know thats 1.8 but it was another example of Region defined resources) OR if they built in a swamp or Mushroom island. The point is EVERYONE can do EVERYTHING > EVERYONE must INTERACT with that They are yes forced to really interact with each other if they need the resources those people have ether throught conflict or negotiation. Think of it like a Survival World based upon the Idea of VOC where each place is unique in all elements. Thats what I Purpose. YES all points made thus far about Really redifining the tutorial, Advertisement, is NEEDED But If we dont do something about Keeping them involved keeping them constantly doing something Like This smaller map would do Then its all for not as they will still have the same problem of having nothing to do besides mesasure their Time spent on here through resources and construction. At least this way with the smaller map Though MANY MANY people will lose months and months of work hard work this will bring what the server needs conflict, desire, interaction, and stratagy. I purpose Knowing 100% that Fel'Bthalft, an untold number of smaller towns wil lbe hence forth gone. WE could later allow new towns within each empire to grow as the server grows if it becomes an issue. I know That 90% even more may simply dismiss this idea as to drastic or simply inconcievable to do. I ask that you Think of it Fully to each degree and see that I do have a great point though it is Radicalistic thinking...PLUS

I am Very thankfull and suprised you read ALL THAT ^^^^ above if you did Leave a like so I know.

I like the spirit of this post and many of the ideas in it.
I would leave if I saw my current build thrown into the dust for a new map. Some of us arent just building hovels and towers, some of us are working hard to artistically build wonders of the Lokan world. Lots of time and effort would go plunging down the tubes, and for what?
If I'm not mistaken from past discussions, there will be opportunities to take significant builds and/or cities. Crypt will have to clarify guidelines on it but that's a ways down the road.
When i grow inactive it is usually when i get back from a long in game journey and do not know what to do. maybe there could be an incentive for traveling besides just getting to another town
When i grow inactive it is usually when i get back from a long in game journey and do not know what to do. maybe there could be an incentive for traveling besides just getting to another town

As time goes on, there will increasingly be reasons to explore Loka :>