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The Nice Player Always Loses

It Amy seen like that, but when you are nice, in some cases, you can make strong allies and alliances. This can be hard on Loka, but I can happen with a little thing or two to sweeten a deal. :mrgreen:
Lazuli73 said:
It Amy seen like that, but when you are nice, in some cases, you can make strong allies and alliances. This can be hard on Loka, but I can happen with a little thing or two to sweeten a deal. :mrgreen:
like me

i sweeten every deal

like artificial sweeteners

but without the cancer

-a poem, by mop
MinecraftJedi127 said:
mopb3 said:
like me

i sweeten every deal

like artificial sweeteners

but without the cancer

-a poem, by mop

Thats not a poem. Thats sad.

I agree, how is this garbage any sort of poetry. And I highly doubt you can get cancer for diet Coke.
Lazuli73 said:
It Amy seen like that, but when you are nice, in some cases, you can make strong allies and alliances. This can be hard on Loka, but I can happen with a little thing or two to sweeten a deal. :mrgreen:
Funny thing is..Zor, Psych and I. There is no one else in the server who can really..stop it. Crypt could fight one of us, but then there are the other two, but he's an admin anyways..so..OH well :/.
Thieflord304 said:
Funny thing is..Zor, Psych and I. There is no one else in the server who can really..stop it. Crypt could fight one of us, but then there are the other two, but he's an admin anyways..so..OH well :/.

Fault of a small server, I suppose. Hopefully with our next advertising push the server will actually be publicized the right way and we'll get PvPers, builders, etc. I think the way the server was worded on many sites for the longest time really made us out to be a very simple vanilla, lore server and that's a pretty small population of players neither of which necessarily are great thieves, pvpers, raiders, etc. Having PvP as one of the main pillars of advertising might help to bring some competition for you guys to the server. I know pretty much the entire server would like that. I feel like perhaps another problem is that good pvpers play minecraft just to pvp. They might hop on to Loka, try out our pvp systems, then leave because they're not otherwise compelled to build. Hopefully I'm wrong on that one. This is a building game, after all, not CoD.

It's possible that we lack a vital connection between towns and pvp. Yes we have thievery and raiding, but there's no incentive for actual world pvp (other than heads, and that's hardly pvp, that's sneaking up and murdering people with your looting 3 diamond sword). It's always been a sticky subject, but perhaps some incentive for (some) towns to pvp (and not just because you're murdering people in the way of getting at their treasure) for some reason other than BG's and Arenas would be worth taking another look at.

Right now for you guys it's just a town-a-day kind of thing and I think it's getting old for pretty much everybody (save perhaps you three) pretty quick. It's certainly wearing down newer players.
Lazuli73 said:
I highly doubt you can get cancer for diet Coke.
I hope you are joking laz... also that poem was beautiful mop. Your artistic talents shine through this world of darkness like a beacon of hope for humanity once again.
Crypt. You just gave me a wonderful idea.

Town VS Town PvP.

Example, Talongon VS Albion. Say each town had to choose three or so players to compete, fighting on behalf their town. There would be some sort of special arena. (Maybe?) and the winning town gets some sort of reward. But this could only go on at certain points and the owner of the town, (Or sub-owner) could queue their town with the members fighting. (Or at least, it would say something like, "Lazuli73, owner of Talongon, had requested you to fight on behalf of your town." Maybe. Then they can like /acceptfight or whatever. Then those three get placed in the arena, and Talongon would fight against Albion, and when the last person standing is from Albion, Albion whens, or if it was Talongon, Tal wins. Maybe people who die early go into spectator mode or something. Not sure how it works in 2v2 but maybe something like that.

Towns would then be incorporated into PvP, aside from raiding each other.
Thief, I know. But then there would be more kinds of PvP, and this one towns are involved.
And while the towns are busy killing each other in an arena the raiders will pop in and remove the need to return home :D
Zor95 said:
And while the towns are busy killing each other in an arena the raiders will pop in and remove the need to return home :D
Oddly I think they might figure a way around that