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ThePigGang for Sentry

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+1 ok yall asking why i give a +1 WHY NOT? he is the wildest pig of lokamc anyways
He has never been toxic to me or my friends in vc, he is a really chill person, he knows a lot of loka and he can help when he can.



Active Member
Putting aside personal beef with Piggy, he's always helpful to not only his team but anyone that needs help in guide chat or public chat. If he can help, he does. He likes Loka a lot and he's not trying to be something he isn't which provides a certain human aspect that you don't really see much with staff. I believe that helps people want to come to him with whatever problems they have. Not to mention his multiple times being LCR. If anyone deserves Sentry, it's him. +1


New Member
=/= thepiggang

Piggang is huge W i love this guy pig aint got no clue bout nothin hes the man for tha job ongodulous. Pig is very pretty as well we need more good looks on the Loka team


Active Member
I haven't had very many opportunities to talk to piggang, but from what little experiences I have with him he seems like a nice person who really cares about loka, I always seem him helping other in chat. Even though he is in the opposite alliance to me (usually a big no no!!!!!) this is a big +1 on my part. Good luck with the application!
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