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No Plans to Implement Things to make pvp skillful again and not monkey brain


Active Member
The simple answer is to be aware of who is crystaling and stay away from them as it is a very stationary method of PVP.
That's not always easy like today silent ran out and instant killed 3 of us with us having 0 time to react

They already break faster for Loka's damage and you cannot do damage when you have it activated so overall you do literally 0 damage per second with it out.
this is how it is on paper but in actuality you sit there open up for 2 seconds hit the player do that once or twice then crit chain they turn to hit then the cycle starts again

FroggyFruit1357 said:
literally doubling or tripling shield cooldowns is not a nerf thats just removing them lmao. This is just a suggestion i dont kniw how long shield cooldown is so maybe making it a bit longer would help balance

only decent suggestion for this, macros exist so not spam hits please. Ok thats fair

before it was literally almost one shot without needing to use turtle master, they just made people crystalling an obstacle that struggles to move around. Something still needs to be down about it since it feels like only recently everyone started doing it

you can say that any buff is a no skill item since it requires no skill to use and provides an advantage, there is 0 issue with providing options on the server. Except this buff is for one specific playstyle and makes you basically invincible so no this buff requires no skill the other buffs are needed for basic pvp

This would literally make the issue worse, imagine what would happen if forerunner camped on this low spot taking even less damage than before, and more damage to players above.
View attachment 2784

there is 0 issue with providing options yet again, this is a cop out for "They killed me with it, please remove it". Except no it isnt becuase this is a pot pvp server and many other people have expressed there problem's with it mainly them being no fun at all , and ill say this again this is a pot pvp server, not a crystal one crystals should not be in the meta on a pot pvp server.
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Also one last thing to add don't make the response that this will bring a new community to loka the shield community is related to sword pvp/ pot pvp crystalling just completely changes the fundamentals of loka and is an instant kill

Z3K33 said:
Also im sorry that forerunner is good at crystals
hes not he sits in the middle with turtle and spams crystals with people who arent in vc/new to come around him then he spams crystals; I could do the same shit but that is the most unfun way to play and just feels like a cheese


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
hes not he sits in the middle with turtle and spams crystals with people who arent in vc/new to come around him then he spams crystals; I could do the same shit but that is the most unfun way to play and just feels like a cheese
the cost of bringing new people that can't vc I guess


Well-Known Member
its still a crutch to crystal takes 0 skill. Just take you for example you were not great but now with crystals you get damage and kills.
Thanks for your input, but let others speak now ty. Also both of these are avoidable and not that big of an issue. Everyone knows who uses shields and everyone knows who crystals (silent, borker forerunner). If new people decide to run into them or take 1v1s after being told not to then it's their fault and they'll learn the hard way. Also based on the stats only forerunner is getting kills and look @ who he has killed.
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Well-Known Member
the shield community is related to sword pvp/ pot pvp
If this was true, you wouldn't be making a forum post about nerfing shields now that they're on Loka
crystalling just completely changes the fundamentals of loka and is an instant kill
yet again, if you choose to run at someone crystalling, you will probably die, you literally play the role of a landmine pretty much, you don't move around very fast and you deal a lot of damage. If you run around aimlessly, you're probably gonna get crystalled. I would much rather forerunner stay in one spot and move slowly around than be able to sit in a hole and just crystal without having to pop turtle master but I guess you're right jewy
I could do the same shit but that is the most unfun way to play and just feels like a cheese
yet again don't run towards them lol
The cost of bringing new players to loka is a crutch? Great ig wanting to be good with a cheese tactic is more important then having fun.
he said, bringing players who don't use voice chat in fights will inherently die because they don't get callouts. Pretty sure thats common sense.
Just take you for example you were not great but now with crystals you get damage and kills.
Because it's a new meta and people aren't willing to change to counter it?


Well-Known Member
pls make it so i cannot get hit by shield player while i cannot hit them same time because they are holding the shield and are super laggy.



Well-Known Member
I want there to be a timer on swinging your sword after putting down your shield because its stupid how you can just crit shield crit shield crit. Maybe like half a second or like 0.75.

one day people will discover the overpowered “walk away” maneuver
yea but we want to pvp not just run away the whole time


Well-Known Member
I want there to be a timer on swinging your sword after putting down your shield because its stupid how you can just crit shield crit shield crit. Maybe like half a second or like 0.75.

yea but we want to pvp not just run away the whole time
will you walk straight into a landmine


Well-Known Member
I want there to be a timer on swinging your sword after putting down your shield because its stupid how you can just crit shield crit shield crit. Maybe like half a second or like 0.75.
had a similar thought to this but half a second is brutally long, even something like 0.1-0.2 seconds longer to either raise your shield or be able to hit after lowering it would make it less spammy while still letting it be useful in combat