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Together Until Dawn


Well-Known Member
Standing atop of the great spire the people of Loka watched in aw as grey clouds circled about in the skies above. The fading glow of the dying Artifact fell to the weakness and was smothered by the wrath of Preksak's World Harvester. The only thing protecting it and the people of Loka was the Artifacts still illuminated core. Among the many under the Artifact were the members of the Vanguard.

A loud crack of thunder was heard coming from the east, causing every soul that depended on the Artifact's light turn to its source. Wind that sounded like screaming banshees echoed though the darkness. The slate grey clouds begun to spin violently, creating a cyclone. From the funnel loud claps of continuous thunder could be heard. Inside the eye a blinding, electric blue light could be seen, even from the great distance away.

Like a blade of a warrior of the gods Preksak's World Harvester beams began to decimate the land around the spire. The lightning-like strikes began with the holy structures around the spire, beginning with the Admin House. One by one massive quantities of land was ripped from its earthly tie and devoured into nothingness as it became blank resource energy, feeding the beams so it could eat more of what came before it.

Soon the harvester's path encircled the spire, trapping those who found refuge there on a island of the Artifact's last breath. Everyone huddled under the faintest glow as deep cracks began to form in the Artifact's fragile center. Taking advantage of this Preksak retracted all of his beams and aimed it at the core.

The concentrated strike was, just barely, enough to shatter the Artifact, killing Loka's last prayer. The beams split and started to consume the spire. The people the Artifact and the Vanir's had sworn to protect were now at the mercy of armageddon.

Individual strikes of harvester beams devoured entire portions of the spire, swallowing it into the voids of pure energy. Realizing that they had nothing to protect them, the fear of permanent death was inedible. Panic spread throughout the souls on the spire; many said their farewells to those they had cherished, some tried to flee, few were devoured themselves.

Briefly Lazuli Avalos managed to slip away down the helix staircase and into the heart of the spire. Heading for the bank she cleared away the rubble to access her enderchest. Opening the black box she removed her greatest treasure: her Gift of Endurance she had received from Cryptite. Slipping it in her satchel she climbed the stairs to join her allies for one last endeavor.

Midst the swarm of fleeing souls the allied members of the Vanguard attempted to collect the shards of the Artifact's core. Running her frigid fingers through the snow Lazuli managed to find a shard using her keen eyes. Handing the fragment to Artagan he and Leasaur attemped to rebuild the core with hopes of saving their world from Preksak's harvester.

"We're missing one shard!" Artagan shouted over the winds.

Lazuli scanned the snow for the final shard, blocking the brunt of the wind with her hand. With the light of a harvester beam the glint of a splinter was seen on the opposite edge of the spire. Rushing to her feet she raced across the crumbling structure, leaping over the collapsing portions of the floor.

Reaching the shard Lazuli turned sharply so she could reunite it with the core, but was forced to stop dead in her tracks. The crevasse she had leaped to reach the shard had doubled in size, isolating her on a peninsula. Leasuar was across the crevasse, trying to build a bridge so she could rescue her friend.

"No Lea, there's no time!" With all her might Lazuli threw the shard to the elf. Just as Leasaur received the shard a harvester funnel was opening above Lazuli with the intention of destroying the peninsula she was stranded on. From the heavens a beam came down, striking the land and removing it from existence.

Barely missing her Lazuli managed to avoid becoming blank energy. Falling down into the void Leasuar watched as her close ally reached out to her, only to fall victim to fate. "Laz!" she shouted as she descended beyond her view.

With no time to morn Leasaur left the cliff's edge to finish the core and hopefully save what was left of their world. Upon reuniting the shard with the core a faint glow illumined the cracks, bringing it back to life. The scarred surface regenerated back into a solid, glassy shine. But to their dismay instead of saving their world from destruction it vanished, leaving them for dead as Preksak descended from his harvester to give the final blow himself.

Falling towards the void Lazuli stared upwards and watched the sky, the last light she would ever see, disappear from her sight. Just as she was about to cross the bedrock border the Artifact was completed, somehow sparring her as she fell endlessly in the fog. Darkness fell heavy on Lazuli's mind, her eyes shutting out the non-existent light.

In her satchel the Gift of Endurnce began to glow softly, summoning a Vanir to whisk her away to the new refudge the Artifact had created for her and the people of Loka.
Standing proudly on the crumbled remains of the Artifact the Observer loomed over the citizens of Loka. His wicked, burning red eyes pierced the souls of those he saw as less, those he sought deserved his unyielding punishment. Petrified and weak with fear the members of the Vanguard returned his gaze.

Realizing that this was their last stand, they knew they couldn't, wouldn't go down like this. Like weak, irrelevant, beings of limited value. Fury bubbled up from the depths inside them all, smothering out the icy fear and replacing it with burning rage. Those who still carried weapons wished to envoke pointless vengeance on this evil soul, but none dared in fear of the power he carried with him.

One Lokan's rage burned brighter then any others. So much so she retaliated on impulse, not caring or considering the consequences. Leasaur, with a lighting quick flash, readied her bow and shot a enchanted arrow straight at his tainted heart. To her disbelief a shield surrounding Preksak repelled the arrow from ever nearing him, sending it a cinder as shrapnel. The blue shield was being emitted from a gemstone embedded on his belt. The blue stone shimmered as it created its own light; it was clear that the stone was not of this world.

Giving off a sinister laugh Preksak lifted his hand to reveal a second gemstone. A metal that was a golden brass is colour began to ooze from the stone, forming a long scythe like weapon. He had no real need for such a thing, it was merely a a souvenir he had aquired in a realm that he had long since destroyed. Cradling the sharp, deadly head in his hand he looked down at the lowly people of Loka again. The expression on his face seemed taunting, like he was daring them to try and temp their fate.

Raising the scythe so it could stand upright, like a noble scepter beside him, he summoned another harvester beam. The beam struck the remains of the Artifact, breaking the spire's last hold. The structure separated from the gravity of the Overworld and began to fall into the void. Many perished as the spire descended, but to their luck the spire landed on the End Island.

Preksak's original intention was to have the savages fall endlessly until they perished, leave this world as it did, but his choices were now limited. They were to far away for him to annihilate the remaining population with his harvester, so he had to finish them himself. Many of them were broken and defeated, a easy enough task for a god. Perhaps the emporer's scythe was more then a decorative wall ornament.

Lowering the shield to amuse the dirt savages he allowed them at least a measly fighting chance. To his both amazement and horror he had greatly underestimated the brutes who destroyed themselves from the inside out. With one common enemy they somehow set aside their festering hate for each other to protect the one thing they all needed.

The Observer quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer numbers they were attacking in. Swords and battle axes ripped through his flesh, tearing his muscles faster then he could regenerate. Arrows raced by, those who didn't spear his limbs flew by a hair's width away. With genuine panic coursing though his blood he reactivated his shield generating gemstone, sending a pulse of energy, punching the assault back.

"Enough!" he shouted as the pulse echoed around him. "All of you are beneath me. I am a god you dull creatures, and I will..." Suddenly Preksak was blown off the spire, the smell of gunpowder lingering in the air. The sound of an explosion came from the pile of rubble where the Artifact had once stood. With a make-shift TNT cannon a long-lived Lokan, Zor, had blown the Observer onto this island below.

Standing on the edge of the spire he and his followers watched the coward regenerate as he tried to flee. "Puny god," he taunted as they leaped off to battle him once again on the island below. To their relief the blast and fall had shattered his shield generating gemstone, which meant he was vulnerable and able to kill.

With new fury the Lokans fought with greater fire then before, nearly killing Preksak. Before the final blow could be made, however, wisps of light raced about, taking the surviving Lokans away to the world the new Artifact had forged for them.
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The wisps of light zoomed about abducting Lokans left and right. The orbs would fly next to a person and spin wildly around them, making a whirl-wind of particles as it did, warping them away. Everyone, including Preksak, was eventually plucked off of the End Island one by one. Those who tried to flee were outmatched by the wisps sheer speed.

The people were taken to some sort of limbo, the likes of which couldn't be explained or comprehended. As if they were decomposed into energy the Lokans ventured through a knife created by the Artifact to send them away to a new haven. Time seemed to fade away as they traveled through the rifts of reality, for all they knew years had passed them by.

When they re-materialized the Lokans found themselves among the darkness of a poorly lit cave. Fallowing the glowing embers of dead torches they climbed out of the cramped cave and into a open cavern. The smooth stone ceiling shimmered with light like stars in the night sky as the sunny radiance of glowstone chandeliers reflected on its surface. Streams of crystal clear water flowed from pockets in the ceiling, falling downwards into the basin at the bottom of the cavern, collecting into a vast underground lake.

An ancient looking bridge weaved its way around the cavern, eventually leading to the cave's mouth. Carefully the Lokans trekked across the stone structure in order to exit the brilliant cavern. As they walked bricks collapsed under their weight, sending them down into the pool below. The sound of the bricks cracking the still water's surface made a haunting echo in the deafening silence.

The last group to traverse the bridge were the members of the Vanguard. They had lagged behind to search for Lazuli, hoping that a wisp had taken her to this land when she fell into the void. To their dismay their search was in vein and they ventured across the ruins as well. When the reached the mouth of the cavern the blinding light of the day burned their eyes which were adjusted to the dim light of the glowstone.

Blinking away the burning pain they found themselves on a mountain side on a small, temperate island. Tall, skinny palm trees clutched to the mountain with their roots as their fronds danced in the light breeze. In the distance they could see a small village along the island's coast. Fallowing the gravel path like the others they raced to the village to hopefully learn where they had been taken.

By speaking to a villager named Dhanri they learned that the villages' name was Aladra and that they came here through a knife as well, like the original Lokans did all those years ago. There were three other continents on this world, as well as a hellish one made of netherrack. Dhanri and Artagan conversed for some time, recalling the events that had led them here.

Dhanri advised the people of the Vanguard to search for their Artifact before voyaging to one of the uninhabited continents to make a new life for themselves. Before they members ventured off to search this island he asked about Lazuli, hoping that he had seen her come though. All the members of the Vanguard contributed in with describing her to Dhanri.

"She wears a cyan shirt and dark blue jeans, and a satchel," said Artagan.

"And she has blond hair that's always in a braid," Leasuar told Dhanri.

"And she has purple eyes, like mine," shouted Jedoi as she pointed at her irises.

"And she is really good with a bow," chimed in Johnny.

"I'm sorry, but no one like that came by," apologized Dhanri. "Maybe you'll find her as you search for this Artifact."

With heads down they reascended the mountain they had emerged from. Instead of going back into the cavern they scaled the cliffs to try and find the Artifact. Standing atop one of the mountains the scanned the horizon for the Artifact to see nothing but more mountains and trees. Erick, the most silent of the bunch, suggested that they listen for the Artifact as it would make humming sounds when it was strongest.

Closing their eyes everyone listened for the Artifact. Coming from the east they heard a low humming sound, sparking hope in their hearts. Fallowing the sound they leaped from cliff to cliff, scaled mountain tops. The further they went east the louder the humming got. Standing on a steep ridge they peered into a valley to see the Artifact at full strength, the core illuminating the darkness of the night.

Feeling the warm grasp of the Artifact surround them they leaped off the ridge to land safely at the bottom of the valley, not taking a single heart of damage as they did. The Vanguard members stayed in the Artifacts light until morning, examining the stone pedestal it floated above. They had hoped to find something more to tell them what had happened, but the only thing they could find was a star shaped groove in the center of the pedestal.

Returning from the site of the new Artifact with hearts full of both hope and disappointment they decided to stay a short while in Aladra to decide where to settle in this new world. As Artagan recounted their venture to Dhanri the remaining members of the Vanguard couldn't help but morn Lazuli.

However, little did they know, that just outside Aladra she lay unconscious in the grass, alive and well. The grasp of the Artifact was strong on her, it was making her wait for the Vanguard to find her, to bring her home.
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so well written but the most important info I got from that is that Persak was transported here as well. That is a little worrying
Writers... Anyone can construct a sentence, anyone can use a string of words to get a simple idea across. But writers are those who choose the perfect words to lace deeper meanings beneath letters. Writers are those who give life to scenes, characters, feelings in ink. Writers, the creators of literary art, are some of the most talented, creative people.

And you, Lazuli Avalos, are a writer. I've said it a many times and I'll say it many more. You have an incredible talent that I am, admittedly, very jealous of.

There are a rare few works of art that just send feelings of raw emotion coursing through you. For me personally, the only writers who've done that are JK Rowling, George RR Martin, and similar others. You've made that list.

Please never stop writing.
/me grins widely

Thanks for all the praise for my short role play chapters. Ironically I really hated English class in school. As for the Preksak thing I just assumed he was taken to this world, so... I have something in mind for future chapters involving with him but it might not be cannon with the server's lore.

*wink wink* /me tries to be subtle
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Writers... Anyone can construct a sentence, anyone can use a string of words to get a simple idea across. But writers are those who choose the perfect words to lace deeper meanings beneath letters. Writers are those who give life to scenes, characters, feelings in ink. Writers, the creators of literary art, are some of the most talented, creative people.

And you, Lazuli Avalos, are a writer. I've said it a many times and I'll say it many more. You have an incredible talent that I am, admittedly, very jealous of.

There are a rare few works of art that just send feelings of raw emotion coursing through you. For me personally, the only writers who've done that are JK Rowling, George RR Martin, and similar others. You've made that list.

Please never stop writing.

You know jedi after having a second read of this post I could see some blooming talent as well. I find you are too hard on yourself and you cap your abilities before you even try.
The hazy cobwebs of sleep that filled Lazuli's mind began to clear. Pain radiated throughout her stiff body. Her every joint ached as if she had been pulled apart and put back together. Beneath her beaten body she could feel soft, dewy grass. Opening her surely bruised eyes stark white light of a noon-day sun burned her retinas.

Instinctively Lazuli shielded herself from the sun's hot stare. Sitting up from her laying position only made her tender muscles radiate with agony. Dragging her long, strawberry blond bangs across her forehead she allowed her eyes to take in the sight before her. A small village on the coast of a grassy, delightfully warm island sat in a bay of shimmering sapphire blue water. The village seemed to call to Lazuli, for without much of a second thought she ungracefully rose to her feet and answered the disembodied voice.

With nothing more then the clothes on their backs to begin their new lives in this strange world the members of the Vanguard graciously accepted gifts of food and tools from the generous villagers of Aladra. Eating loafs of Aladran Sweetbread they gazed over a map of the continents and selected the northern most one to settle on.

Standing on the long dock they waited patiently for the next boat to arrive. Far off the docks in Aladra a commotion was stirring. Disregarding this the members of the Vanguard started to board the Norse ship. The gruff captain sounded a loud war horn to signify that he was departing shortly. With no one answering his call he released the moored boat to begin the voyage through the Shivering Seas. The ship was no more then a few meters from the dock when Dhanri raced up the pier and begged the captain to stop.

"Wait" he shouted.

Swinging the rudder hard to the right the captain stopped his ship and glared daggers at Dhanri. Dhanri had stopped the ship to regain the attention of the Vanguard members. With the distance between them Dhanri had to shout at the top of his lungs. What he had to say was music to their ears. His news was so wonderful that they didn't even wait for the ship captain to properly dock his ship. They simple leaped off the starboard side and swam back to the beach.

Stumbling into the tiny village Lazuli leaned her weakened body against the sturdy and rooted side of a house. Her head throbbed with an intense pain, giving her the impression she was going to pass out again. Grabbing her forehead she let out a loud and low moan, catching the attention of villager wearing blue robes and a leather vest.

The man caught her just as she let gravity bring her towards the soft looking grass. The villager asked for her name, and when she failed to provide it he took an uncomfortably long look at her every feature. Looking into his dull cyan eyes she saw something click in his mind right before he ran off towards the beach that seemed to be miles away.

Another villager wearing buckskin pants and a matching vest helped Lazuli to her feet where he led her to a house and set her in a plush bed with a red wool quilt. Fallowing the man with cyan eye's instructions they waited for him to return. While they waited the man in buckskin clothes offered her some food and clean water to quench her aching thirst.

Bursting through the doors of this small village dwelling the Vanguard members crowded the small living space. A woman named Kairin blocked off the single bedroom and gave Dhanri time to force his way to the front. He tried to advise these strange and unruly people to be calm and collected for he feared that she had...

Ignoring his disclaimer Johnny, Leasaur, and Jedio barged their way through the door, ripping it from its hinges. Sitting on the bed with eyes wild with fear was their long lost friend. Not allowing her friend a second to take in the scene before her Jedio lurched forward and wrapped Lazuli in a crushing hug.

"Get off me!" she screeched as she pushed this stranger away.

Refusing to release her Jedio had to be pulled from the screaming Lazuli by Mereth. Finally free Lazuli furiously kicked the blankets from the bed as she scrambled to the corner of the small bedroom. Johnny and Leasaur stood stunned at this display of doubting fear. They knew that Lazuli was not keen on hugs, but this...

"Who are you people?" she panted.

Forcing his way again into the room Dhanri placed himself between Lazuli and the Vanguard members. "If you had bothered to listen to me you would have known that she may not remember who she is," he sneered with frustration.

Dhanri managed to coax Lazuli out of the corner and with a soothing voice he asked her if she remembered anything. All she could recall was a sensation of falling and someone calling the name "Laz". Everything before that point was a dark, empty void in her mind. Letting herself take in these crazy people who had scared her out of her wits just moments earlier she recognized one.

Sliding off the mattress she approached Leasaur and eyed her every feature. "You," she said with curiosity of a child, "I know you." This disregarding comment sent a fury of hope within these people, causing them to shout about random memories that weren't hers and names she didn't know.

"Stop," she shouted when the voices were to much. "I don't know who any of you people are, so just leave me alone!"

Running out of the house she tried to flee these insane, badgering people. Falling on the gravel path just outside the house she felt the throbbing pain in her mind begin again. When the crazy lady who crushed her ribs came up from behind she spun around and forced her away, injuring her arm . For some reason guilt coursed through her for hurting this innocent, caring person who only wished to help her.

With no luck in forcing Lazuli's memories to return the Vanguard members had no choice but to split with their sick friend. She insisted that she didn't remember them and only wished to be alone. Praying for her they reluctantly parted ways by taking separate boats to opposing continents.

Standing on the deck of the Norse ship once again they watched as Lazuli boarded the ship headed due south for Garama. She gave them an empty stare of longing as she turned away from them.
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