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Together Until Dawn


Sliding off Geronimo's saddle Lazuli cracked her soar back after several hours of riding the walking skeleton. After trying on the Frost Walker boots she stole from Leasaur she tied a rope around the vertebrae of Geronimo's phantom neck. Trying out the rare enchantment for the first time she took a cautious step over the water. Just like the night Lazuli saw Leasaur perform the same act the sea froze beneath her feet, creating a bridge of ice.

Trekking across the Sunset Sea Lazuli found herself nearing the beaches of home at around sunset. From her icy walkway she could see Johnny slaving away in the heat of their forge as he smithed a new sword. The glow of the motel metal inside the forge illuminated his face, making his sweaty brow glissen in the heat. Calling to him from afar Lazuli was surprised to see him carelessly drop the unfinished blade in the dirt and break into a steady sprint across the sand.

Stopping in disbelief at his unusual reaction Lazuli stood on the ice until it melted beneath her feet. Luckily she and her horse weren't too far from shore, so the water was only about waist deep. Johnny crashed into the gentle, evening surf, wading out as fast as he could till they collided. Enveloping her in the tightest of embraces she could barely utter a hello before he started to sob.

"I thought I lost you!" he cried into her blond braid.

Trying to wiggle free from his surprisingly strong grip Lazuli gasped out, "It's nice to see you too."

Releasing Lazuli from his bear trap of a hug Johnny held her by the shoulders and examined her every feature. "Are you alright? Where did you go? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

Swatting off his hands Lazuli briefly summed up her misadventure before declaring how badly she needed a drink. She started to wade towards the Silver Dragon Inn but was stopped again as Johnny smothered her with another hug. "Don't ever, ever, do that again. I can't lose you too."

Lazuli shot him a look the was flattered, dismissive, confused, and concerned all at once. "It's fine... You dony have to worry so much about me... I came back, didn't I?" Despite her consoling words Johnny's paranoia remained throughout their shared meal. All through the night he constantly probed about where she had been, but Lazuli wanted to honour Leasuar's request and keep her isolated life and pregnancy between them.

As the pair laid in their bed their was a certain awkwardness in the air. They said nothing to each other since there was nothing either had a desire to say. Turning her back towards Johnny Lazuli stared at the dark stairwell of her windmill, thinking. She contemplated everything from Johnny's odd behaviour to when she last groomed Zuzu. Eventually the weight of the day caught up with her and she drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, as she shivered and shook from the terrors of another nightmare, Johnny awoke her just as she was about to fall into boiling magma. She screamed and tried to defend herself from his touch, as in her delirium everything was a threat, but once she realized what was happening she leaped into his open arms. It was now her turn to sob as she released all the built up tension she kept inside over the last few weeks. During her journey across Ascalon, in search of Leasaur, she suffered from the forgotten and contorted memories of her misplaced past. Without Johnny by her side they ravaged her mind every night.

While Lazuli ranted and raved Johnny said nothing; all he needed to do was be the strong shoulder for her to cry on. When she finally cried herself out about two hours had passed. Rubbing her swollen eyes Lazuli both thanked and apologized to Johnny for keeping him awake. He assured her that her would do anything for Lazuli, and losing some sleep was a tiny price to pay for her wellbeing. since the sun had begun to rise but it was still to early to begin the day they decided to stay in bed till they got bored of each other's embrace..

Then started up a light, casual conversation, whose topic meandered about every which way. Eventually Lazuli became curious and inquired about Johnny's odd reaction to her return. "Well long time ago, I... Uh..." He stopped, his mouth hanging open, as if he was physically unable to finish his sentence. Like the words refused to follow. Instead he changed the subject by bringing up how fair the weather had been in her adsence. Clichéd, but effective.

"Really? Using the weather to avoid the topic?" Lazuli smirked.

By the time they hauled themselves out of bed it was already late morning. Sharing breakfast in the Silver Dragon Inn Lazuli remembered that Jedoi was staying in one of the rooms and she didn't say hello yet. "Jedoi is gone," Johnnh said just as Lazuli started to rise from her seat.

"Where is she?" He told Lazuli that she went looking for her after their night at the tavern. She was also missing for a few days, but returned to tell Johnny that she was moving to a town in Kalros. "Oh, which town? Not Hilo, right?" asked Lauli in a disappointed tone.

"Auru," Johnny mumbled as his mouth was full of egg and toast.

Slowing Lazuli retook her seat, saddened at the loss of a close friend. She didn't die or anything, she just moved away. True, Auru was a friendly town and she could visit any time, but the journey was rather long and treacherous. Taking a few more bits of her steak Lazuli rose from her seat again and excused herself. Leaving the inn Lazuli busied herself with any neglected chores and pretended that the past few weeks never happened.
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Wandering the dirt paths of Makosa, Lazuli struggled to find something to occupy her bored mind. The crops didn't need harvesting, no buildings needed repairs, and she already been to the Aladran markets to check on her wares. Sitting down on the steps of an unoccupied house, Lazuli decided to read the letter she had received from Leasaur again, since she had nothing better to do.

As part of their deal, Leasaur was to send Lazuli regular letters each month or so. The purpose of the letters was to keep Lazuli's concerns at bay by ensuring her that Leasaur was well of body and mind. Letters being a simple sheet of paper with ink writing made it difficult to gage her honesty. Leasaur's penmanship, however, did remained fairly consistent throughout the last few months, implying she was alright for the time being.

The letters were always vague and cryptic, as usual, which was incredibly frustrating. She wished that for once Leasaur could be straight forward with her, like the night they opened up and exposed all their raw internal conflicts to each other. All she kept saying was that she 'found home' and was working on getting there. She didn't mention what that meant or where it was, or her pregnancy, which Lazuli was rather curious about. To her knowledge, births within the range of the Artifact were quite rare. Why bother making a legacy when you can maintain it yourself because you never die?

Folding the letter she slipped it back into its paper envelope and tucked it back into her satchel. Scanning the horizon Lazuli, considered a swim in the cool waters surrounding the island, since it was so bloody hot. Rising to her feet Lazuli set off towards tackle shop and dock, where Johnny spent his leisure time fishing. The water there was deep, so you could jump of the dock without much worry of hitting the coral bottom.

Things have been awkward between them of recent. Since her impulsive, cross-continent journey, there's been a feeling of distance in the air. Their shared meals were often silent; they even started eating alone. Johnny's over-protective concerns and Lazuli's desire to be independent made them clash for a while. Hoping that if they spent some quality time together they could perhaps find new ground a begin anew.

Leaning against one of the wooden pillars that supported the overhang of the tackle shop, Lazuli watched Johnny sleep in his chair. It would appear that the fish weren't biting in the scolding heat, so he must've dozed off. He sat slumped over, rod loosely dangling in his hand, fishing line fluttering in the wind. On a whim, Lazuli silently creeped up to him from behind, carefully avoiding the wooden boards she knew creaked.

Her hands hovered over his shoulders as she aligned them into position. With one mighty shove, Lazuli pushed Johnny's limp body into the still saltwater off the dock. Immediately he awoke from his slumber and started to thrash about, unsure of what was happening. When he realized he was in the sea he calmed himself and started treading water. Turning to Lazuli, who stood on the edge of the dock, laughing till her side ached, he scowled at her with general displeasure and, anger?.

"Not funny, Laz!" he tried to shout at her, but instead coughed up a few lungfuls of seawater.

"Then why am I laughing?" she retorted. Kneeling down Lazuli offered her half-drowned companion a hand to help heave him back onto the dock. Taking the offering Johnny wrapped his fingers around Lazuli's wrist. Using the leveraged provided by the post Johnny kicked off the dock, pulling her into the water for instead revenge instead of bring hauled out. "Hey!" she yelped seconds before plunging into the blue.

Even though Lazuli started the war, Johnny was intent on winning it.
They started to splash each other as they swam about. When one tried to escape back to the dock or towards the beach, the other would grab ahold and drag them back out to sea. It was childish, but neither cared. This was the first time in weeks that they didn't look at each other with muddled awkwardness. Who knew a carefree swim was all they needed to realize their behaviour and pass the rough patch?

Sharing a water breathing potion the dove down into the deeper waters, where they admired the colourful coral and tropical fish. As the effects of the potion began to wear off they returned to the surface. Noticing how far they swam out, Lazuli tried to swim back to shore, but Johnny stopped her. Grabbing her wrist he held her back, which began a playful wrestling match. When the wresting session transformed into passionate kissing, they became a pair lovesick teenagers. It was a moment of pure, uninterrupted joy.

Though the air was thick with lust, it was Johnny who stopped their impulsive romance. He stared into Lazuli's royal purple eyes for some time, a faint smile forming on his lips through his blond beard. "Marry me," he finally said.

His proposal took her off guard. Shocked her. All Lazuli expected from their swim was a rekindled bond that could grow into something new, not this. "What..." was all she could utter.

Digging around in the pocket of his jeans Johnny pulled out a thin, handmade, gold wedding band. "Marry me," he repeated. Before Lazuli could give him an answer, he went on a tangent of how he loved her so and almost losing her and needing her and was unsure if she loved him and so on. Stopping his seemingly endless rant with a kiss, Lazuli wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck.

"I've always loved you. I can't lose you either, because I need you too."

Just a few short weeks later, pews were being arranged on the large sandbar on the west side of Makosa. Guests from all the continents of Loka came to take part in the celebration. Makosa's peaceful attitude towards the rest of Loka meant it was respected, and usually undisturbed, by hostilities. This allowed all walks of life to collect in a neutral setting for once, where no weapons were drawn and no blood was shed.

Inside her windmill, the beautiful bride was being pampered by her two closest friends. While Leasaur, who left her hermit hole in the forest to attend the wedding, applied light makeup to Lazuli's features, Jedoi weaved lilacs into her long, blond hair. Instinctively, Lazuli tucked the curtains of gold behind her ear, away from her face, but Leasaur quickly swatted her hand away and fixed her hair. "You can go one day with your hair down," she scolded.

"But it gets in my way," complained Lazuli.

Placing the finishing touches, in the form of a bouquet of blue orchids, Lazuli's favourite flower, her friends guided her to a standing mirror. There they admired their handiwork of somehow transforming Lazuli, who didn't know what mascara was till that morning, into a blushing bride. She wore a flowing, empire waist dress made of white silk, pearls decorating a thin belt and straps. She didn't wear a veil, but she didn't need one; the purple blossoms in her hair were plenty.

After every guest took their seats, only to immediately rise, the ceremony began with the music of wind chimes, a fiddle, and a flute. Without any children to act as ring bearers or flower girls, the bride immediately took the aisle without a wedding party preceding her. Walking slowly through the sand, Lazuli's eyes were locked on her groom, who stood in his finest formal wear at an alter made of drift wood, vines, and an entire field of flowers.

When the aisle ended, Lazuli joined Johnny on a mat made of palm fronds as Cryptite, who was officiating the ceremony, began with a long monologue about Loka and the rarity of love found within it. Ending his speech with short summaries of the bride and groom's lives within the reach of the Artifact, he gestured to them with open hands. "I believe the bride and groom have prepared their own vows."

Speaking first, Johnny's vows were lengthy and romantic, reflecting on his chaotic life within the Artifact. He's been through times of war, times of peace, but in a world where one doesn't suffer the plight of time, everything melts into one jumbled mess. That all changed when he joined the Vanguard alliance, though. Suddenly, without warning, his monotonous life had value, had drive. And suddenly, it was gone. Ripped apart when Preksak's harvester destroyed the world, sending them astray again. Now, standing here, on Makosa, he had his life back, for the time being at least.

Unlike her soon-to-be husband, Lazuli's life, from her perspective, was extremely short, despite her longevity. She had little to say, as a result. When writing her vows Lazuli was unsure what to say, and the canvas remained blank until she stood at the alter. There, at the alter, she realized why she loved Johnny. She painted him as her rock, the sturdy foundation she needed to rein herself in when she strayed too far from the light.

As per request by Johnny, they partook in a wedding tradition from his homeland. The bride and groom drank wine from the same glass, then smashed it. The broken glass symbolized an unbreakable bond between them as no one else could drink from the glass afterword, which would poison the sanctity of their marriage.

Giving them permission, Cryptite stepped back a tad to allow the new couple to share their first kiss as man and wife. A roar of applause followed as their lips graced each other's, sealing their vows within a simple gesture of love. Running down the aisle, hand in hand, their wedding guests threw handfuls of sand at them as they left the ceremony.

About an hour later, after the pews were cleared, a banquet was held during the twilight hours of dusk. They feasted on spoils from every continent; from whole roasted pigs from Garama to bowls of pillowy mashed potatoes from Kalros, it was a certainly a celebration for the ages. When the sun slipped beneath the sea, fireworks were freed into the shimmering night sky, decorating the otherwise starry sea of black with a rainbow of explosive colour.

Soon the party began to part ways as they many of the guests began their long journeys home. Any who remained migrated to the Silver Dragon Inn to drink the rest of the night away. At some point, Lazuli and Johnny managed to escape the rave and enjoy a moment of serenity. Darting across the island they made a mad dash for the dark stretch of sand on the opposite side of Makosa.

There they walked, barefoot, along the sun-warmed beach, their toes sinking into the silky, golden sand. They meandered around in their drunken stupor, sometimes wandering into the cool surf, soaking their formal wear to the skin. While running away from a tumbling wave they collided into each other and fell into the sand, laying on top of each other as they bellowed with laughter.

Pulling a lilac out of her hair Johnny plucked the tiny flowers off the stems. The buds drifted down, landing on Lazuli's facial features. She tried to brush them away, but Johnny dropped the lilac and playfully pinned down her arms. In the light of a half-moon, Johnny looked down at Lazuli. His wife. A faint smile creeped across his lips just before his head dove down to kiss her.

Returning his kiss they laid there in the licking surf till dawn, truly sealing their vows till they were forced to resume their hard lives as Makosa's caretakers.
Most of my life, I can't recall. When I try, I am consumed by darkness and wraith with pain, so I've decided to try to forget. As of recent, my life has been anything but memorable. Or at least, worthy or remembering.

For quite some time, I thought I found a home...

Lazuli's quill ceased its fluid motions across the rough, handmade parchment, scratching long unsaid words into its surface. The words died in her mouth, begging to be spoken, to be released and heard, but she refused to free them. She thought it would be easier to write them down, but her writers-blocked had proven otherwise.

Instead of tearing this page from her journal's spine in frustration, like she had done for several others, she left it in its bindings. Setting her quill in the inkwell, she rose from her writing desk and began to wander the hallow, empty building she now forced herself to call home.

Granted, it was anything but hallow.. It was filled with possessions and mementos, many she salvaged from Makosa, but it still felt empty. Lazuli knew what was missing, but refused to acknowledge it. Filling it with nick-knacks and dew-dads didn't make a house, no matter how extravagant, any less empty without what it needed to fill it.

Slipping out onto a large balcony, she silently wandered down the adjoining stone steps, ignoring the beautiful sight it overlooked. Passing through the library, a small space with few books, and ignoring the beckoning suit of armour glowing in the corner, she found herself in her homes dining hall.

This room, like every room, was of her own design, but this was by far her favourite. As extravagant as the rest of the home was, she felt it didn't compare to the shower of rainbow light that filled the dining hall each time the sun or moon smiled it's way.

Placing a hand on the stained glass replica of the Makosa banner, she gazed through the window towards that smiling moon. It was the only thing that felt even a twinge like home, as it didn't change. How she wished she was home again, on that beach, or in her windmill, sipping on rum with...


Sucking back a sharp breath that would've foreshadowed tears, she glanced over her shoulder to see Jedoi. She stood behind the dining table, just beyond the reach of the kaleidoscope of colours.

"I saw the candle lit upstairs... I was just wondering, how you're coping with everything?"

She probably wasn't coping the best, but she wasn't about to sing her woes to the high heavens either. Finding refuge in Auru was her only option, and it retrospect it was her best. Lazuli had many allies in Auru, several of which ventured to Makosa to help after the storm.

A storm that had destroyed not only a beloved home, but a family.

"I'm fine," Lazuli assured, regardless of her true emotions.

Returning her gaze to pass through the stained glass, Lazuli longed for the land the banner once flew for. Now, trapped behind the walls of Auru, a mighty fortress among the cold cliffs of Kalros, she felt more alone then ever, even though the streets thrived with people from all walks of life.

"I've known you for centuries, Laz. I know when something is bothering you."

Rounding the table, Jedoi stood beside her friend, hoping she could coax the unsaid words from her sealed lips.

"I miss him..."

A single tear welled up in the corner of Lazuli's eye, her finger wiping it away before it could spill over and slide down her cheek.

Her husband, the love of her life. Lost at sea. All she had left of his was the damaged diamond armour he had intended on repairing after returning to port.

And then the storm hit, ripping through Makosa with intense winds rainfall, colossal tidal waves, and lightning. She would've met similar fates if Jedoi hadn't whisked them off to safety when they tried to flee the island for the mainland.

Turning away from the windows, Lazuli ventured into the darkness of the house, the only light coming from the low-burning coals of the single hearth. Throwing more kindling and coal in the hearth, Lazuli slowly built up a fire. She was so used to the warm weather of Makosa that the constant damp chill of Auru left her shivering most nights. Kneeling before the fire, she rubbed her bare arms in an effort to warm them.

Without warning, Lazuli double over, crossing her arms over her chest and arms and started to sob. She sobbed like she had never sobbed before, releasing all the pent-up sadness and anger she always kept sealed away. She wanted to punch a wall, she wanted to vomit, she
wanted to sleep and never wake again. At least, not wake in this hellhole of a world, where she faced nothing but loss.

Rushing to her side, Jedoi fell to knees and consoled her friend, urging her to cry until every tear was shed. When nothing but shaky breaths remained did she ask what had triggered her sobbing.


Jedoi was stunned, at first, by this bold-faced response. She knew very well that there was plenty of good in Lazuli's life, but then again, she didn't just lose her husband and home, or her entire life.

"I lost so much. My mind, my home, my family..." Lazuli whispered.

"Family?" Jedoi was puzzled by her use of the word 'family'. Lazuli was Mairosa's primary guardian for some time, but she didn't consider her family. And if Johnny was her only family, why didn't she just say husband? "Laz, are you..."

"I was."

Shooting her feet like a rocket, she started to pace the corridor that separated the kitchen from the dining hall. A small throbbing in her temple told her that a migraine was immanent, so she had to be cautious if she wanted to avoid the pain and nightmares.

"Laz... I had no idea..."

Approaching her from behind, Jedoi tried to place a tender hand on her friend's shoulder, but she jerked away from her touch.

"Please, I just want to be alone..."

Leaving ask requested, Lazuli stood alone in the darkness, shivering despite the fire. Making her way back towards her bedroom, she passed by the library, stopping this time to admire Johnny's suit of armour. Sliding her fingers along the find craftsmanship of the gemstone, she longed for his strong arms to hold her again. All she could do now was pray that he was still out there, searching for her, hoping that he'd one day see her again too.
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