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Implement in Future Toggling Effects of Snow/General Weather


New Member
I know this was brought up before (see here), but I feel like it's worth bringing it up again. I believe the arguments against adding this as a town perk were solid, as it wouldn't benefit certain towns as much as any town living in an area with problems of weather. Additionally, not every aspect of weather can be disabled, so it further restricts "toggling weather" to essentially just disabling visuals and snow-fall blocks. However, even this tiny portion of weather can play a very large part in construction for certain towns, to the point where it becomes restrictive. So, I propose that a command should be added to restrict the visuals of weather as well as the snow-fall blocks in the same way people toggle mob spawning, except not as a town perk, rather an immediately toggle-able option from the creation of the town. This way, no town perk has to be replaced for a perk that might not necessarily benefit all towns equally as much as the others. Snow is a huge problem for towns that seek to build in tundra or the mountains, giving them a natural disadvantage when it comes to building in comparison to other towns. Additionally, although optifine does provide the option to visually disable weather, it might help players without optifine with potential lag problems due to weather. By keeping this as a non-town-perk command, you level the opportunity for building across all towns without removing any benefits for other towns or providing a perk that benefits a select few towns.

I'd like to hear suggestions or thoughts, and I refrained from replying on the other thread to avoid necroposting.


Well-Known Member
I dont see it as a problem. It makes sense that it snows and u need to take care of the snow blocks, if u live in a snowy place.

If u dont like it then you should think on picking a better spot to live in.


Staff member
This sounds like a reasonable addition to the upcoming Town Settings GUI that we'll add during Quality of Life that should simplify toggling things like mob spawning on/off, rather than doing everything through commands.

We cannot stop weather from happening, however. That's something that happens on the entire world (continent). Like Steve said, you can use OF to turn that on/off client-side. However, we do have the ability to prevent things like snow-blocks from forming in your town, and I think that's a fair thing to have control over. We'll have a think about it.


Active Member
I dont see it as a problem. It makes sense that it snows and u need to take care of the snow blocks, if u live in a snowy place.

If u dont like it then you should think on picking a better spot to live in.

We would be fine with snow falling if it was more 'uniform'. Currently, snow only falls on full blocks and on top half slabs. Things like stairs/slabs and so on just look ugly when placed next to other blocks with snow on em. It also looks weird when you have a town with half snow/half without.


Staff member
We cannot stop weather from happening, however. That's something that happens on the entire world (continent).

That's not really true. As discussed in the other thread, WorldGuard has a "weather-lock" flag that can be used to visually hide weather from players inside WorldGuard regions. I've tested it myself and it appears to work fine.


Active Member
We would be fine with snow falling if it was more 'uniform'.
I would like to add to this that since it's a custom world that in some places there are biome differences from one block to the next causing the snow to hit either just one small area, or just the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Red told me to support this post, so here I am, as a loyal and obedient Covenant subject.