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Town Betrayal rules rework

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Active Member
imo it should remain, dont join a town if you dont trust the owner, thats the risk you take, some owners may argue x player only has x stuff because the owner gave them gear and pots and pearls and food to be able to do so, therefore it is owed to the owner, the list of reasons go on, just dont join a town you dont trust, second echest sounds cool
I agree with you, but what sometimes happens is that you join the town trusting the owner then something happens after and the owner decides to act childish for a bad reason and run all ur shit, and you can't do anything about it after then. because it's not ur town, ur shits just completely ran and you end up with nothing.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, but what sometimes happens is that you join the town trusting the owner then something happens after and the owner decides to act childish for a bad reason and run all ur shit, and you can't do anything about it after then. because it's not ur town, ur shits just completely ran and you end up with nothing.
Thats the risk you take, I've been in that situation before, lost everything, yet that was a risk I took. Everything has a risk factor.
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