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Town Blown Up


Yeah my town was blasted into so that the riches could be reaped. I heard that "No buildings were harmed." But the whole thing was a building. It took 100s or even 1000s of TNT to make it what it was, and they blasted right into it.
EDIT:I'd also like to submit a complaint about the admin(s) that oversaw this raid, as they should have a good enough knowledge of the rules to know that there's no room for technicality in saying that it's an entry grief, because they had to go pretty far to get there. A lot of my generator's land was harmed.
From what I saw, a one tnt's worth hole was blown into the top of it, seemed like entry to me.
It was not a town, there was nothing built there, it was just a giant vault. They blew holes in the top layers of dirt to get to your chests. Im aware that they maybe used a bit more tnt than they could have done but as i say it was just a flat piece of land with no buildings in site.
I was also there to witness it; you couldn't call that a town. What's more, most of your chests were opened by an insider anyway.

The number of TNT used was nowhere near even 50.

You of all people Gud should understand where and where not to store your valuables. At the surface under maybe 2 blocks of grass isn't very secret. You invented the breaching system after all.
Gudbrandr said:
Wait.. what? You moved stuff before they could get to it right?

No. I should think it's perfectly clear what happened, looking at what both andre and crypt have said.

Anyways, that's not what this thread is about. This complaint has been answered by the higher admins; it ought to be locked.
As I have already told you Gud, I got there just as they had finished blowing a hole in your roof and opened all but 3 or 4 chests. Armored in iron, I told the diamond clad duo (Def and Art) that I came in peace, so they left me be. I then proceeded to open the unblocked chests to see what goods I could salvage for you. I found nothing really, so i went to the lower level and i found nothing worth saving.

I then returned to the chest floor where Def and Art where finishing off. As they headed downstairs I opened what few chests were left blocked and found nothing of value but some nearly broken diamond picks, redstone and random crap. I deposited the picks and redstone on my enderchest. After this, Def and Art came back up and left towards spawn.

If I wanted to raid you, wouldn't I have done it alone? Why would I want to share the loot with other people, especially with Def and Art?
Also, I would have made sure to raid your house in Pallet. Maybe you think I asked for their help so no one could logblock, but then it would have been pretty stupid to open chests with my own hands.

You've already been through my chests in Pallet, and you have perms in the Isles so you can check whatever you want.
I don't care how unappealing my roof looked to you guys, it was one giant building, all of the area inside the generator. I want the people responsible and the admins who oversaw it banned.
So, you want Def, Art and Psy banned as well as Magpieman banned for overseeing it?

Yeah hell while your at it why not throw Asy into the mix on a fly-hacks charge :P
Oh good point, actually I agreed that it was ok afterwards as well

Should most likely ban me too :P
Aha... It is time for the Galactic Woolen Empire!

And I'll just charge for membership.