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Town Decay


Well-Known Member
With many towns on the brink of collapse without enough members to stay active we should expect to see many, many more ruins of towns past.

My suggestion would be to add a nature decay of towns as they start to go inactive. Things like parts of buildings turning to cracked stone and roofs caving in occasionally letting the sunlight in once again. Even more, vines and grass could start to grow over old buildings. Once a town goes completely inactive the decay could stop or slow down a bunch. The idea would be this period of decay would leave towns in a state that make it clear what they are but also make exploring them an even more interesting adventure.

This suggestion is not an easy one to implement but it would be pretty cool and I thought it was worth mentioning. What do y'all think?


Staff member
With many towns on the brink of collapse without enough members to stay active we should expect to see many, many more ruins of towns past.

My suggestion would be to add a nature decay of towns as they start to go inactive. Things like parts of buildings turning to cracked stone and roofs caving in occasionally letting the sunlight in once again. Even more, vines and grass could start to grow over old buildings. Once a town goes completely inactive the decay could stop or slow down a bunch. The idea would be this period of decay would leave towns in a state that make it clear what they are but also make exploring them an even more interesting adventure.

This suggestion is not an easy one to implement but it would be pretty cool and I thought it was worth mentioning. What do y'all think?

This is basically the logical progression of the Foliage system, just one that I hadn't planned to add until I was pretty sure that the system was working as intended and mostly bug-free.

It's actually not too tough to add, but it could be system heavy and probably would only run when the server was empty due to the need to have to scan regions of blocks.


Well-Known Member
I would love to have a freature like this, the ruins of old towns overtaken and reclaimed by nature. Prehaps when the gen officially runs out trees will being to grow back too.


Staff member
I like this as long as it wouldn't destroy any valuable blocks or chests :)

Except in reverting zones (near ports and in the nether, for example), block regrowth only happens if there's no blocks in the way. If there're any solid blocks there already, it won't replace them. This should mean trees and whatever you cut down will grow back around the blocks, and no through them.