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Accepted Town Home land keeps regenerating


New Member
We recently started a town in the northern lands of Ascalon (101) and our buildings and storage chests keep getting deleted back to the lands natural state. Old blocks that we remove like stone and trees return as well. I checked and made sure that the area is considered Alterable. We are also able to harvest protected resources even though we should not have the permissions for it. Overall it's just really annoying that we can't make progress because all our builds keep getting deleted.

Town name: "Oliviers' Town" (renaming to "Shaded Grove")
Coords: x5850 y1600
Members: Oliviers, Khysche, Major_Massacre, Roelsun, Thijsvm


Old One
Staff member
Old One
It appears the server is not completing the creation of a town until it restarts. This should therefore fix itself, and allow you to build as normal in your town, on the morning restart at 8am EST. If you guys are wanting to play prior than that, let me know and I can manually restart the server for you. Apologies for the inconvenience, we will have to dig into what's causing this so it doesn't happen to others in the future.


New Member
Thanks you so much for responding on my post. I've sent this to my buds and we will happily play after the morning restart :) :)