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Suggestion /town perm update


Well-Known Member
So, I'm currently in the process of modifying my town's permissions, and I find it a bit tedious and worrisome. I find it worrying that there isn't exactly a description of what a certain permission may or may not cause/do/permit within the town. Some of them are straightforward and common sense, but others, like using the conquest beacon, the difference between editing vendors and accessing them, what the exact function of tpahere is, and the difference between town log and block log. It is also somewhat annoying to have to scroll up and hover to see the command to change a specific permission, and it can get a bit spammy on the player side.

The solution I think should be implemented is a GUI that allows you to click a certain permission, and it shows you the exact permission's description in full detail, allowing you to change it by clicking rather than a command, and possibly why you may or may not want to give a member level this permission. I also think that this could be implemented in a similar fashion for town zones and their flags. Overall, this would allow for a much more cleaner, and informative experience for town owners.