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Towns 2.0, Part 2. Ranks


Staff member
This is a smaller post and one that elicits some input from you guys! Another part of the upcoming changes to towns is the addition of member 'levels'. Currently, there are only owners and subowners, all other ranks are merely superficial and aesthetic (aside from their needlessly complicated use in Bubble Generators).

Town owners (and possibly subowners to a certain rank) will be able to use a command (/g promote) that can set a town member as one of 4 levels. Title-based ranks as you know of them now will still exist, but they'll no longer be involved in how bubble generators work. Instead, what currently are bubble generators will differentiate in-town build permissions via these levels, instead of ranks. This should eliminate some confusion about getting case-sensitive ranks correct for bubbles, etc.

Additionally, for new towns, part of the leveling up of your town is unlocking these four ranks. Brand new towns will not be able to create bubbles as they are (I say this because bubble generators will be removed in their physical form entirely in favor of a far more simple, command-based, subzoning featureset, but more on that some other time) until they reach certain levels. This also goes hand in hand with town radius.

The question for you guys is what to call these ranks. On many servers running Towny and the like, the ranks are set (as medieval, pretty much); Lords, Kings, Queens, blah blah. Personally, Mag and I think we can do better. We're not sure how the actual names of these levels will come into play, it may only be that Kings or Queens (town owners) will be known as such in public chat in order to add a little extra roleplaying to Loka. We're also undecided as to how to differentiate between levels in town chat, perhaps as an additional level bracket, , [III], [L] (for lord, or something). Let's think of some names. Level 1 is the lowest, noob-like level for a player and 4 would probably be a Lord, but what that means yet aside from build permissions, we're also unsure.

Let's hear some ideas!
I think that maybe we can have multipul names for each level as not all towns have one theam. Like we can have military style ranks or government style. Or we can have the town owner choose the name of the ranks so they are not fixed to the choice if mag and crypt.
Because towns can have various themes, using set titles like King or Queen wouldn't really fit every town. Perhaps having preset colored brackets for each rank in townchat would be simpler (Blue brackets for town owners and subowners, other colors for lower ranks) and giving the town owner the power to set the name for each rank. So although some towns may have different named ranks (ex: John Doe town has a member with a green bracket, title: Scrub. Jane Doe town has a member with a green bracket, title: Plebeian) the rank they have would still be the same as other towns.
Top level should be like King/Queen, or Mayor, or Owner/Leader, or president. (Or just autocorrected to Zor, I swear it. xD) Subowners could be like Vice President, or, umm, What is second-in-charge in a kingdom?
I like these ideas. Like Dellsmite is a Norse themed town. We can have norse themed names like.. Maybe a viking. Anyways, I love the ideas that you guys are giving.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Top level should be like King/Queen, or Mayor, or Owner/Leader, or president. (Or just autocorrected to Zor, I swear it. xD) Subowners could be like Vice President, or, umm, What is second-in-charge in a kingdom?

Aaaand this is exactly why I think the rank titles should be decided by the town owner. An Aztec themed town with ranks such as president and mayor is just not going to fly.
Ronshaud said:
I like these ideas. Like Dellsmite is a Norse themed town. We can have norse themed names like.. Maybe a viking. Anyways, I love the ideas that you guys are giving.
We'd probably do the medevil theme. Sound good, Lord Ronshaud?
I think you are all missing the point here. The reason we want to have set rank names is to make towns feel more connected and add to the server lore. Currently every town might as well be on a completely different world and different server. We want ranks so that another town could easily find out how high up a member is in another town. We have server ranks that link us together and towns need the same. For example in game of thrones there are towns in the north where it always snows and they have a very different way of life to those in the south which feel much more medieval. Basically they have completely different styles all over the world but each area has a king. So just because the towns have different styles does not mean the ranks cannot be the same.

A few ideas to get you started:
Owner, King, Emperor, Sultan, Overlord, Pharaoh
Subowner, Prince,
Lord, Baron, nobleman,
In terms of just words; i'm fine with Lords.

I'm tired of Kings and Queens though. Noble is cool.

Most people won't pronounce Jarl correctly though (it's yarl, not jarl like joust). Norse is cool but it's a little too foreign for new players to be able to figure out what people are.
Cryptite said:
In terms of just words; i'm fine with Lords.

I'm tired of Kings and Queens though. Noble is cool.

Most people won't pronounce Jarl correctly though (it's yarl, not jarl like joust). Norse is cool but it's a little too foreign for new players to be able to figure out what people are.
Oh dear lord do people actually say jar-l? That's disgusting

I don't think it's too much a far cry from things people know already to implement Norse names, with the release of Skyrim most of the proles at least have some idea.
Magpieman said:
We want ranks so that another town could easily find out how high up a member is in another town...So just because the towns have different styles does not mean the ranks cannot be the same.

I already suggested preset colored brackets for each rank, so town members could have a variety of cultured titles and could still compare with other towns their rank. I don't want to own an Aztec town and have ranks like Pharaoh, Jarl, or Lord. The Dothraki do not have Medieval or Norse title ranks, and it would not be fitting to force a city with a theme less... modernized to have rank titles completely unrelated to the theme of a town.
Mag and I have finally agreed on some stuff. Here's a breakdown of how ranks are going to work.

  • At a Level 1, there are only Owners, Subowners, and members. Max town radius is 100.
  • At Level 5, you earn the ability to define a zone (new name for bubbles) with build permissions only for owners/subowners. Max town radius becomes 200.
  • At level 10, you unlock Level 2 members, and any member can be promoted or demoted at this point with /g promote/demote. Additionally you earn the ability to also create a new Zone for level 2 members only. Max town radius becomes 300.
  • At level 15, you unlock Level 3 members in addition to the level 3 member zone. Max town radius becomes 400.
  • At level 20, you unlock the Lord level and the lord zone. A Lord can only be promoted for every 5 members your town has. Max town radius becomes 500.

Once you unlock level 3 members, you also gain the ability to define the 'default build permissions level'. For example, you could do /g buildlevel 3 (or something) which would mean that any level 3 and above members can build anywhere in the town. Level 1 and 2 members would then limited to permissions in their respective zones.

Nomenclature still out for debate but most probably won't be choosable. These names not are not final, but King/Queen for owner, Prince/Princess for subowners, Lords/Ladies are level 4 members.

Hopefully this introduces lots of structure to the town while also unlocking it slow enough that towns aren't overwhelmed with configuration options from the getgo.