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Tweaks on villager prices


Well-Known Member
Thought that people should be able to express their views on slight changes to how much villagers trade for and whatnot, so post below if you have any suggestions


Well-Known Member
My suggestions would be to make iron armour and tools cheaper (only very slightly) as they are currently worth the price of the iron used to make them and as they can't be deconstructed there's no harm in making them slightly cheaper

My other suggestion would be to make glowstone cheaper again, as there are plenty of people around loka that sell the stuff for 16 iron per stack of glowstone
I sell each stack for 16 iron. No more, no less.

Well... I'll take more.
So balancing the villagers to reflect this wouldn't be a bad thing. And really it can only be a good thing making glowstone more available, not like its going to throw the economy out of whack


Old One
Staff member
Old One
The one thing i have to say about villagers is that i don't think you should be able to trade any items with them for emeralds. All their deals should involve trading a certain number of emeralds for an item.


Well-Known Member
Good god, if you won't reduce the severity of the nerf on villagers dont make it even worse mag!!


I suggest we leave the villagers alone! what did they ever do to you?

Leave the trades be...they lock after 4 buys anyways


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I agree joce with emeralds now harder to obtain due to emeralds costing more in the bank, villager trading should work much better now.


Well-Known Member
That means no more killing good villager though.... Can you stand it Mag? :p