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Unmute appeal #4

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I know this isn't smart considering I recently came out of a temp ban but I am still going to try
Hello fellow lokans, I have been permanently muted for around 10-9 months I believe and I think it is time for another appeal
Muzo, me and lots of other members of the turkish community (cross <3 rea4per) have became good friends and forgave me for what I did that long ago, I got angry over the fact Muzo ganked me in the end while I was teaming with and said and I quote "stupid turk" I definetly regret saying that to a known member of the community especially since they get a bad rap. The other reason to my permanent mute is that I said a very bad word the day before (Wasn't racist but really bad) then I took Jakeman5's warning lightly. (big mistake)

I think I have learned my lesson and want to come back chatting please reply with honest opinions


Well-Known Member
honestly bro its been 10 months and he's probably going to be reformed by now +1 what he said wasnt that bad from what ive seen


Active Member
+1 very friendly on vc's, helped me a lot getting better at PvP never had a bad interaction with him.


This man has been in countless vcs with me. Honestly one of the most friendly fellows on Loka, always is brighten peoples days up. Haven’t seen him be extremely toxic ever. In my opinion, he should have never been muted.

Free the man Camel, he has done his time…


Active Member
havent vced too much with him and even if we hadnt had fun vcs together, hes literally not chatted on loka for 10 months. free him up


Well-Known Member
i dont play loka anymore but when i logged on around 1 month ago and we talked at vc for 15min, he was so nice and tolerant, calm :) AS I SAW i think hes done for unmute now. Top C...
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