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Implemented Voting Information


Well-Known Member
And I would like to complain/have an idea regarding voting for who gets an extra policy.

So as is with the current system, if you are online when a town votes for who gets the policy then you get to see who they voted for. However, if you aren't online then you don't get that information. Personally I think that at the very least you should be able to see who voted for who after the voting period is over.

The fact that information is publicly shown to only those online at that moment and no other time ever just... doesn't make sense to me. I think they should either be 100% Public or 100% Private as to who voted for who. I don't exactly know which I would prefer (obviously 100% public would be very big nice so I have all the information I can have) but not knowing who voted for who does add another layer to the political side of conquest.

What I personally believe would be best is, in a way, stealing how the World Congress works in Civilization. During the time of voting, you have that turn to vote and possibly discuss to others about trading for votes or just confirming votes. During the whole time of voting you don't know if they actually voted the way they would but once voting has commenced and the turn ticks over, you can see who voted for who. At most maybe change the voting announcement to simply "[Town] has submitted their vote for extra policies!" or something along these lines with the ability to see if a town has already voted or not.

This is kind of a small thing and doesn't effect things too much but I feel it just makes sense given how votes are publicly announced when submitted.

Apologies if this comes off as rambling and I would love to hear if anyone else either cares about this or agrees in anyway to the points I've made along with other point of views and ideas :)


Staff member
Much like not announcing policies until the end of truce, I think it's fair to also not show the votes until the policies are revealed as well, since they're tied together anyway.