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Voxteus Ban Appeal

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Active Member
where do I start, crusalite or other known as voxteus is probably one of the most unstable people I’ve ever met, maybe worse then came was in the past as a small comparison, back in the day he used to be a more and nice person but in recent times he’s harrased multiple people on loka including a few of my friends, some of them have been afraid to come out to show how they were harassed by voxteus. To think all of that harassment that he’s shown to me and friends was because he got banned in a discord.

TL;DR -1 keep this man away from the loka community and any community for that matter.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
A lot of hard evidence came up during the ss including doomsday and we have no reason to show players evidence of how we detect things or they will work out ways to avoid detection. Just because we don't share it with you does not mean it wasn't there, as it is shared with the staff team. You then disconnected from the screen share after we had found evidence of your hacking but before we had finished the screen share.

The ban message was changed simply because we try to stay consistent with them and the wrong one was displayed. It has no bearing on the screen share itself.

The ban will remain and we suggest you are honest in future appeals.
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