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WeGank Permmute Appeal

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New Member
:/ how would that ever be ban worthy either way

or even permanent mute worthy? 1 week temp mute or sum woulda made sense but this feels like overkill

also pretty dumb how all the WF members who hate me -1'd


Well-Known Member
:/ how would that ever be ban worthy either way

or even permanent mute worthy? 1 week temp mute or sum woulda made sense but this feels like overkill

also pretty dumb how all the WF members who hate me -1'd
the fact you are here saying how would it be ban worthy clearly shows you still think what you said was even slightly ok

This is a joke lmao
And for the record yeah, wf people are going to -1 especially based on the facts that have been given, what do you want us to do +1 someone saying terrible things? Anyhows staff don't really care what we rate, its there decision anyways.
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