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Welcome to 1.13.2!


Staff member
Welcome to 1.13.2!
But it's mostly just a patch-update, and not a content update. A second update will come later with the rest of 1.13.2's content
Notes on Updating:
New in 1.13.2
  • Not that much! As stated above, this is mostly just being able to finally run Loka on 1.13.2. The vast majority of content will come later. There are still many plugins and software packages that haven't fully updated to 1.13 yet. "The Big One" is really World Painter. Once that comes out of alpha, our dev team will be able to start sculpting and filling out the oceans with coral and all of the rest of the lovely sea content.
  • Pufferfish now spawn in Garama, Cod mobs in Ascalon and Salmon in Kalros. (Tropical Fish will be added in the second phase of 1.13)
  • Turtles now spawn on Rivina.
  • Drowned mobs will spawn in all bodies of water, but they won't spawn with Tridents.
  • A lot of various bugs (many probably not listed below) have been fixed by the simple fact of updating.
  • The Oasis is no longer a technical sub-biome. It counts as the desert now for biome restriction reasons, until we can come up with a better system for sub-biomes in the future.
  • Trees in the Sunset Isles and ground leaves in the jungle should no longer decay.
  • Breaking Stripped wood (all bark sided logs) drops regular logs globally.
  • Mushroom stem blocks have been added to the restricted resources of the Mooshroom Isle.
  • Ice has been added to the restricted resources of the Ice Taiga, Ice Wastes and Ice Mountains.
  • Slow falling potion effect will be removed if you enter a foreign town.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had full inventory and accepted an auto complete job (like free bread) you would retain the job and it wouldn't let you re select it.
  • All jobs have been wiped. You should find your Job materials in your Escrow.
  • Boats should no longer destroy parts of docks.
  • Numerous death messages for conquest related deaths have been added and fixed.
Phase 2 - The 1.13.2 Content Update (Coming Soon!)
We don't have a definitive release date for this due to relying on external programs like world painter updating to 1.13. However it will likely be at least a month off. Here are some of the cool things that will be coming then:
  • Ocean Updates
    • Icebergs
    • Coral Blocks and Fans
    • Kelp/Kelp Blocks
    • Sea Grass
    • Sea Pickles
    • Dolphins
    • Tropical Fish Mobs
  • Phantom Mob
    • Phantom Membrane
    • Arrow Slow Falling/Potion
  • Tridents
  • Heart of the Sea/Conduits
  • A way to obtain Prismarine Shards!
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Staff member
but nothing about the knife :(