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We're going to make alts public.


Staff member
For some time now, we've had a suite of tools on Loka made available to the admin team that lets us determine players that are alts. For the most part we just used this knowledge to ensure that there were no attempts at town betrayal going on. There have been some issues of late that we've been seeing with the number of "alt towns" popping up. We realize there is some gaming of the Territory system that is going on, creating alt towns to be able to up your tgen count. This is problematic, and we're discussing some steps to make it so that dead towns with 50 generators don't automatically just contribute 100% of their worth to an alliance for strenght.

Yadda yadda. At any rate, we want people to be comfortable with inviting people to their towns. There are a handful of players that have alts in several different towns. Many of these alts are known, and most of them are not being used for devious purposes. However, we feel it's fair for a town owner or player to be as fully informed about inviting a player as possible.

To this end, we are going to be opening up part of our own player tools plugin to the public so that people can freely query a player to determine who their possible alts and past names are. Once this feature is available, as always, we'll let you know what it is.


Staff member