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What Industries Do YOU Want To See?


Active Member
This is it, Loka. We want ideas for new industries, and what better way to know what the people want than asking them? :)

Tell us the top 3 industries you want to see that are not yet implemented in Loka.
Give a detailed explanation of how they might work, and a possible description of the design.

Perks of industries should be something that will encourage towns to reach level 50 in this area, and something that gives a good advantage over not using the industry; however, keep the perks relatively fair.

No promises we will use any suggestions word for word, but it will definitely be helpful in designing new industries.

Please keep ideas SERIOUS. No blatant joke posts or you will be removed from the discussion.

ALSO! If you have more than 3 ideas, you can still share them! Just make it known what your top 3 are.
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All these are just ideas that can be put in. Might sound OP if there all in at one time.

1. Blacksmithing: Repairing cost less items and XP. Items can be repaired after the cant repair state.

2. Alchemy: Free nether warts.

3. Crafting: Mass crafting stations. Select a recipe and just dump stuff in a chest and it will automatically craft the items over a quick time with a chance of keeping some of the small ingredients used. This will include multiple crafting stations within the industry area.

Sorry for the bad ideas XD maybe it can give someone more intelligent some better ideas :D


Active Member
Dwemer's Industry Idea's

List of Masteries an Industries associated with them.
  • Building
Building ==> The Stone Mill ==> refines stone into stone brick at greater exchanges with exhange rate area of Stone & Stonebrick to clay, quartz, and major stone based building supplies. Stone mill has a dying Facility in the back allowing people to throw in Wool, Harden Clay, Glass into Vats (Have a design in mind) to color Them. They are also Labeled if any of the Above uses was done.


  • Gathering
Mining ==> Gold Mine ==> Building this Industry allows the town to passively generate gold ore from the mine at SLOW rate, other ore (Iron, Coal, & Emerald) also generate from this mine but at a much slower rate then gold.

Excavation ==> Clay Pit ==> Building this industry allows the town to have a Clay pit. This Clay pit will over time regen the clay blocks inside that will allow members to dig up the clay.

  • Crafting

Crafting ==> with the recent addition to Loka of Custom Recipe books I got an Idea for the Crafting Industry. Upon creating the crafting industry you are given 1 to 5 Recipe books For creating "Town Blocks!" Town blocks are special blocks that give different effects or simply a custom Item block that can be crafted via the new custom items recipes and items.
ALL blocks crafted at the Crafting industry are named and imbued like all other industry mats.

Blacksmithing ==> Blast Furnace w/ Blacksmith ==> Allows you to smelt ores into a greater exhange, Creation of stronger Named metals that can be used only in the blacksmith section of the industry which can be used to create Named Armor with higher durability and is labeled. The Blast Furance also has a Smeltery funtion allowing blocks of refined Ores to be if they was mined with Silk touch, ( This smeltery function only applies to things that Ores that must be gained only through silktouch like Redstone, Lapis, Diamond, Emerald, & Coal). All things are Labeled if they was created by any function of the industry

Engineering ==> Assembly Line ==> Will create a selected Rail type passively by adding materials into the Assembly line, Blocks of Iron, Gold, Redstone, and Logs can be placed in and they will be consumed to create the selected rail only Rail type can be selected for this proccess and when completed every minecraft day if fueled by resources will produce 20 stacks of rails for each 1 block of iron, Gold, Redstone, and log consumed. All rails created are labeled where they was made.


  • Wealth

Market ==> Coin Press w/ Market ==> Allows for the creation of a monetary currency that can be used. ( Gold nuggets as the coins) When given gold ingots the factory will over the course of time will begin the coining proccess these coins, Coins that are made this way ( Obviously more then 9 per ingot over a duration period) are labeled from where they were produced are then able to be used as currency for town exhanges on the market, The Market will allow access to the Servers market inside the town they are produced. The Coins created by the ajoined Coin press can be used to buy items that are value of the items on the market in a rate of exhange equal to the emerald exhange rate for each item. In other words if you want to buy something thats worth a diamond from a player. You cna used the Coined money to buy the item. The player who was selling will Still recieve a Diamond as if it was bought with a diamond. But the buyer whos using the coins will have 12 (or more depending on the exhange rate yall wish to implement) coins removed from their inventory.


Staff member
For the record, here is a breakdown of how many towns have would-be unlocked industries for all of the current categories:

Enchanting - 19
Farming - 16
Cooking - 15
Logging - 14

Excavation - 14
Crafting - 10
Alchemy - 9
Building - 7
Mining - 6
Generator - 3
Arenas - 2
Market - 2
Engineering - 2
Blacksmithing - 1
PvE - 1


Active Member
The same Ore to Emeralds building inside your town! :eek:

This is something I would really like to see. I know that not a lot of towns have level 50 generator but it would encourage them to get there and the coding probably wouldn't be that hard, as there's already one at spawn. One more industry down, right?


Staff member
This is something I would really like to see. I know that not a lot of towns have level 50 generator but it would encourage them to get there and the coding probably wouldn't be that hard, as there's already one at spawn. One more industry down, right?

My only hesitation for having the ore exchanger specifically at spawn is that it encourages people to come to spawn, perhaps interact. Other than that, I have no other problems with it.


Active Member
I agree I like bulls ideas Most my idea's come other things both reality based and other games Like age of Empires and stuff. So my veiws are kinda werid. I think it be cool to atleast get like the Ideas of mine beign the blacksmith and the Stonemill would be pretty cool to place in.


Well-Known Member
My only hesitation for having the ore exchanger specifically at spawn is that it encourages people to come to spawn, perhaps interact. Other than that, I have no other problems with it.

More frequently player driven or admin driven events, that would still happen if only two people show up would fix player interaction.

Players come to spawn only to:
Exchange the emeralds. they dont interact while doing that
To interact with others, by giving them stuff... or just talking. The spawn is the best place for everyone to exchange stuff, but i just cant see anyone going to ore exchange and interact.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, most people at the ore exchanger want the opposite of interaction. I know that players are supposed to be unable to steal the emeralds you convert but it still makes you a little paranoid.


Active Member
I'm not sure if fishing ties into an already existing industry. I would like to see exp gotten from fishing increase with higher town levels, maybe to rates similar to a zombie grinder.


Active Member
I really like that suggestion. Fishing is pretty time consuming to not reward for more things. I don't know if it contributes to any specific industry but I'd like to see something done in its favor. +1 to that suggestion.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see fishin play a greater role, perhaps even a whole new industry rather than integration, I can think of some nifty things we could do with it. God I love fishing in games that aren't solely about it.


Well-Known Member
God I love fishing in games that aren't solely about it.

I was excited by the initial update that brought more fish into the core game but it still feels mundane - a Crypt-provided stimulus might be quite interesting


Personally I'd just like to see a single unbreakable anvil for the smithing, similar to how the tavern has an infinitely burning furnace.


Active Member
Personally I'd just like to see a single unbreakable anvil for the smithing, similar to how the tavern has an infinitely burning furnace.
I like this idea, but I'd also like the anvil to be able to combine and repair items that wouldn't be possible anywhere else bc it took too many levels