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What is Griefing


Well-Known Member
Many people can see griefing in many forms. It's not concrete to destroying other peoples builds. I see griefing as doing anything physical to a build that would cause it's builder, well, grief. That would include filling their home with cobble and obsidian or fooling around with their signs.

Does this apply to the rules, more importantly, griefing. The prank masters (Jedi and Ronshaud) don't think so, but I do.
The rules change a bit when it comes to inter-town stuff. If it's out in the world, destroying a house is obviously griefing and bannable. Inside of a town, it's a little different. If there is griefing on major scale (like perhaps tnt), then admins may intervene to ban because of the amount of damage done.

You're right, griefing isn't limited to destroying blocks. Adding blocks that cause "grief" is also griefing and is why we have banned the bridge entry tactic (because it adds a ton of blocks to a town's protection that they're left to clean up).

Minor griefs like these pranks of which you speak aren't really big enough to warrant admin intervention. When they're small-ish and inside of a town jurisdiction, it's up to the town owner/subowners to handle the problem internally. If you as a town owner don't like what somebody is doing and they won't stop after asking, then hey, remove them from the town. That's why /g del exists after all.

TL;DR, if it's big, admins can intervene, if it's small (and in a town), town owners have to deal with it.
Cryptite said:
You're right, griefing isn't limited to destroying blocks. Adding blocks that cause "grief" is also griefing and is why we have banned the bridge entry tactic (because it adds a ton of blocks to a town's protection that they're left to clean up).

You might want to actually announce that. From what I've seen only liek 5 people know this.