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What're we up to?


Staff member
As the PvP update winds down and we move on to the next iteration of things, some of maybe wondering what's in the pipe for the future of Loka. Most of you are probably aware that "The Next Big Thing" Is PvE. That's true, we're going to start concentrating on one of the final untouched bits of Loka that we'd like to make awesome.

Before we go full-out PvE update, however, the biggest challenge we're tackling at this very moment is what the gaming industry calls the FTUE (First Time User Experience). Loka is great, awesome, custom, amazing, deep, rich, conflicted, amazeballs. No new players gets any of that. Beyond the Slicer course, players are dropped into our complicated spawn and those that even make it to the wilds are presented with a regular old vanilla survival experience.

Unless a player gets into a town quickly, they have no way to see anything neat about Loka aside from PvP. Our market is fun, whatever; lots of servers have markets. We lack vital hooks that keep a new player on the server by showing them slices of what they could see if they keep playing.

So that's where we're at. We're in the process of adding some content to the server and tuning what we do have that will present both an attention-grabbing and exciting first time experience as well as begin a little of the PvE content that will grow over the coming weeks. We're excited about it, and you should be too!

As always, continue being awesome and inviting to new players. That sense of community is great. If we can keep the new folks on just a little while longer, I'm confident Loka will hook them and hook em' good.

Go forth!


Well-Known Member
Maybe new tutorial with easy guardians, then spawn, into a starter town for 4 days, with housing underground, so up to 200 people would be supported for 4 days with towns....