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No Plans to Implement When no one joins in ranked.


Well-Known Member
Basically this is the most annoying situation ever. You sit in ranked queue for 10 min to find out that the other person queued is afk. I think that you should get 20 prowess for joining and waiting around. Not Elo (obviously that would be easy to farm.) but 20 prowess is the same as a victory so its basically worth going into real fights and winning for elo. What I'm getting at is this isn't better than actually fighting someone but its a good compensation.


Well-Known Member
I will continue to enjoy queuing with the Top 10 people until I can join them because they're the only ones who queue anyway (besides a few others that I occasionally get to fight) ):<

Also a side note of something that doesn't help the situation that Ranked is in: Groups of people being in a VC so they know when they match up against someone that is a friend so no one joins so no one loses ELO. In my opinion, while prowess is a nice reward for the one who does join it doesn't punish those who refuse to join because they fear the loss of ELO. Perhaps there is some sort of internal strike system where you'll take a hit in ELO or just not be allowed to place in that season if you meet some threshold of strikes within a period of time.

Not sure on the complexities of finding a good mix of understanding you just couldn't join while still being punishing enough to be effective but perhaps something like this is necessary to encourage people to go into matches no matter who it is on the other side.

Just this morning I noticed that two people were constantly queueing and helping the other climb and I thought I'd join in just to make some actually fights. But as soon as I get matched, no one joined. This negatively effects ELO showing actual skill and just makes the entire experience extremely unfun. I'm aware that ELO doesn't matter too much unless you're in the Top 10 people since those are who get rewards at the end of seasons but still
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Well-Known Member
Just this morning I noticed that two people were constantly queueing and helping the other climb and I thought I'd join in just to make some actually fights. But as soon as I get matched, no one joined. This negatively effects ELO showing actual skill and just makes the entire experience extremely unfun. I'm aware that ELO doesn't matter too much unless you're in the Top 10 people since those are who get rewards at the end of seasons but still
The same happened to me a while ago
In general I think the ELO system needs a lot more updates to be more fair, like making it so it rewards more ELO to people who play ranked more. Today I learned out the hard way how easy it is for some people to abuse the system, because while me and another person were farming arena levels some people pointed out to me that it was also bringing up my ELO high. So, I contacted Crypt to have my ELO reset so it wouldn't be unfair for others (also because I don't want to receive titles that I don't deserve/earned). But, if it was someone who was trying to farm for ELO it's alarming how easy it is to do as all you would need to do is just go against the same person over and over to get in the top ranks. Also, in past seasons some people have contacted me (not naming names) asking to farm me for ELO. I'm also pretty confident that a lot of other people have been asked that. I'm not sure what would work best to fix a lot of these problems, but one idea I had was making the cooldown greater not only from the difference in ELO but also relative to the last time those 2 players dueled.