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When Rogue Birds Attack


Well-Known Member
First Raid of Asgard

On the night of Saturday, January 26th, a group of adventurers journeyed to the fabled land of Asgard with nothing but greed in their pockets. Their first stop was the vaults which few had entered without invitation. Using an undisclosed amount of TNT they burst through the doors and found a lavish storage room just asking to be stolen from. After some rummaging they found a few secret passages and managed to open them as well. Witnesses are fairly certain that this group was completely ADHD or suffered from short-term memory loss as they seemed to forget what they were doing every 5 minutes. After a gruelingly long period of time had elapsed they finally decided it was time to move on and headed for the surface. By a stroke of luck one of them tripped on a stray arrow near the exit and stumbled into a secret chamber. Clutching their wounded knee, they limped inside and discovered a small stash of diamonds and TNT. At last! The hidden treasures had been found.

However, now that they had found this one small stash they were convinced there was more to be stolen. They made one last sweep of the vaults (during which a nearby waterfall tried to eat them) and headed towards the house of Cryptite himself. This house was protected by several more enchantments than the vaults, but they still managed to locate the generator. After another bout of ADHD/short-term memory loss they developed a plan to break inside. It, of course, involved more TNT. I cannot disclose exact details but I can say there was much spice to be had when the TNT was launched. At this point, and very understandably, the raiders did not wish for witnesses to see the contents of the loot that was inside so there was a swift massacre to remove us from the premise. However, as the sword flashed down to take my life from me, I did capture a glimpse of a hand written note in the pocket of one of the raiders. It read:

"Deer Crypt, we have ur cuhmand blok. Give us ur Hyrule stick."

I also managed to sneak back and take this photo of the raiders:


Why is this news? Well it's a Loka first and I believe master thieves deserve credit where it is due.
Re: First Raid of Asgard

Big actually raided Asgard when it was Valhalla, nearly killed it before it could grow.

Also, as representative of the Thief Raider and Pirate Community of Loka(TRPCL), we hope that the actions of a few of our members does not impede on the progress of understanding between the admins and thieves of the server.
Re: First Raid of Asgard

KenuDragonfire said:
Big actually raided Asgard when it was Valhalla, nearly killed it before it could grow.

Also, as representative of the Thief Raider and Pirate Community of Loka(TRPCL), we hope that the actions of a few of our members does not impede on the progress of understanding between the admins and thieves of the server.

Bigpizza used boats to glitch through the floors. [/argument]
Re: First Raid of Asgard

Yeah big glitched in and stole, if I recall correctly, exactly all of our 13 diamonds, and something like 24 gold ingots at the time.
Re: First Raid of Asgard

Zor95 said:
On the night of Saturday, January 26th, a group of adventurers journeyed to the fabled land of Asgard with nothing but greed in their pockets. Their first stop was the vaults which few had entered without invitation. Using an undisclosed amount of Nouvellune they burst through the doors and found a lavish storage room just asking to be stolen from.
Re: First Raid of Asgard

The greatest crime against humanity occurred that night...

... using the default texture pack.
On the night of Thursday, January 31, a flock of rogue birds flew to the to the decimated ruins known as Stallingrad. Upon arrival they noticed a glint of bright blue in the window of a wooden hut and desired what was inside. Unfortunately the doors were covered and the blocks enchanted, but that did not deter this determined flock. They flew around the city, pecking at any creepers in their sight. Next they ravaged the nearby desert, digging with their claws until they had enough sand to construct TNT. Once this task was completed they each picked up a block of TNT and bombarded the little hut until there was a hole large enough to slip through, and then they gathered around their desired object to mate.

This is a picture taken at the scene (children under 18 please look away):


All faces have been blurred to protect their identity.

However, after the breeding process was complete they quickly realized that this object of interest was stuck to the ground by some magic force and could not be moved. This upset these birds greatly so they grabbed more TNT and continued to bombard the little hut. Some of this TNT also managed to hit a crumbling cobble home nearby and opened up a small basement of treasures. But as the saying goes, one man's treasure is another man's junk, so they left the majority of it to mold and rot in the darkness. Completely dissatisfied with their loot, they gathered together and flew off into the distance.

A player who stumbles upon these ruins may not notice a difference in the landscape after this seemingly random attack, but one thing was left behind. It was a note with only two words.

To Psychedelic:

Zor95 said:
Witnesses are fairly certain that this group was completely ADHD or suffered from short-term memory loss as they seemed to forget what they were doing every 5 minutes.

ADHD does not mean people forget what they are doing every five miunutes. I study psychology, and I know what ADHD is. There's three kinds of ADHD, inattentive/distractable type, hyperactive/impolsive type, and combined type. Combined is the most commom. People with ADHD sometimes get distracted, and don't focus on the task at hand. I assume you mean they kept getting off-task, not "forgeting what they were doing every five minutes." And I don't under stand what you mean by "completely" ADHD, because in most cases, you're ADHD or you're not. Also, the way you said it, it kind of sounded like having ADHD is bad, but people with ADHD are just as smart, funny, and capable as anyone else.

Sorry I really went into this, I can talk about phychology for days, and I just wanted to clarify that ADHD is not something that makes you forget stuff.
Jedio must be jesus, because the thread is live and breathing again. Be careful with your powers though jeido, this thread's time was over. Joce, put it back to rest for us?