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Why this server sucks.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have your attention...

I'd just like to make a thread of things that people dislike that can maybe be tweaked or removed. The most common I've seen are Enderpearldisable and the fact that you can't climb vines on the server. Also a personal one is the lack of poison from cave spiders. I think poison is necessary for the survival element.
Certain repeat offenders don't get banned permanently probably because they are popular and/or important.
Loki said:
Certain repeat offenders don't get banned permanently probably because they are popular and/or important.

Err.... not what I meant, but send me the names?
Hmm, where to start...

People don't really seem to accept thievery. It is apart of the server, if you don't accept it, then just leave. However, in terms of bullying, there is a huge difference between repeated raids and bullying. We had the whole stupid war thing and I understand shouting in rage to get your anger out but ACT, don't SPEAK. Attack back. Kill. Fight. Survive. Don't hide back in your town. Prepare in secret. Plan their downfall. Do whatever, but don't complain.

A lack of admin rules. As much as I love being struck by lightning when I'd like some privacy (oh, and I'm an admin too, and I hate it when Guardians teleport to me), there definitely should be some restriction on what admins can do. There's a difference between running into a town portal in combat and using /spawn in battle, or using /locate or /tp to find bases, or even using /smite to kill people when you're too lazy to use your own blade or bow.

Those are just the issues I can think of off the top of my head, more to come.
Guardians cannot tp to sentries as overseers and above are the only ones with tpo and sentries have access to tptoggle.
Magpieman said:
Guardians cannot tp to sentries as overseers and above are the only ones with tpo and sentries have access to tptoggle.

And yet guardians can just smite you if you have tptoggle on anyway (Points to nobody in particular ;) )
How about the fact that only Overseers (I think) can revert areas using logblock? At the moment it is a better investment of time to just use your own resources to repair griefing rather than wait for Mag or Asy to show up.
Two concerns rather than complaints:

1) I don't know if worldguard was removed from string or if most of us just can't see it, but generators are definitely still attached to it. Once we hit 1.3 string will be used for tripwires... how will that work if we can't right-click with string?

2) Potions and wolves can be used to kill inside spawn protection.
Requests for Asy:

I am working on the CTF map using jails and need a few modifications that should not affect the overall function.

* Ability to consume food (Food control)
* Buttons, Pressure plates, chests (Block Interaction Protection; ID: 54, 70, 77)
* If possible remove interactions with minecarts. I don't see an option for it.
EDIT: Okay I got someone else's generator working but I also had full control over it. That's a slight problem. My own gen (large) will still not work. Is 400 now the max range?

So... pearls for the generators are not working. Also any block you place within 4 blocks of the generator cannot be removed.

Was this tested with Enderpearldisable?
Unless you were already a member of a town before the update today, it is now only possible to be a member of 1 town.
Working on the two highest priority bugs, the others will have to wait a bit.

Town membership is fixed as of last restart. Fixing the bank now...