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Wiki Updates


Active Member
I figured it might be nice to have a thread started for everyone to post when there's a significant change to the wiki. We tend to let it sit and rot for far too long so in following up with some of my old posts, here is a thread I'm hoping to keep current with ongoing updates.

Anyone that makes a significant change, feel free to post.

Posted 27 OCT 2014:

New updates to the Artifact lore and information as well as an introductory page for battlegrounds.


July 5th - July 8th 2015
(Not done yet though)

Made a page about alliances.
Includes a short description of each alliance that people from said alliance should write.

Made a page about town leveling. We should add industries eventually.

Made a page about the Time-Lost Gate. More information should be added.

Updated the Cities of Loka page. I didn't know 100% who the owners for some of the towns are, I could use some help editing that part.

Made a page about the buildings around Spawn, how to use them and what they're used for, ect. It's still a WIP.

Made a page about Fanart, and included several pictures and artists.

Made a page for Citadel. Art or Lea should write this.

Also made three personal pages for important players:
Targaryen: http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/Aegon_Targaryen
Laz: http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/Lazuli_Avalos
Ron: http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/Ronshaud_Risewell
Laz and Ron, I put some info about you two on there, but you may want to edit it, add or remove whatever information you'd like.

I'm still doing stuff though, just thought I'd give you all an update on what the wiki looks like atm.

(I literally just found this thread by accident so yeah.)
/me hijacks old thread

Do any of you know how to upload a picture into the info box? I want to put a screenie of myself on my character page but I don't know how. If any one knows how can you leave instructions, pweez.

Added a new page for upcoming continents. I plan to add descriptions of each and the resources they contain and maybe some images. Feel free to update the page yourself as we learn new things.
I updated the continent's page slightly.

I made a page for the three continents along with an incomplete list of resources. I'd like to add a list of biomes eventually.
Also for Aladra as it seems important.


Aaaaand finally, I noticed there wasn't a page for something I felt was very important. This page is similar to the History of the Server page, (http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/The_History_of_the_Server) (Which should probably be updated eventually.) But basically descriptions for all the worlds we've seen. I remember Crypt's thing where he discovered the names of the first three worlds, Sanya, Ak, and Da, so I used those names in addition to other names the worlds have held. I also put the dates we arrived there and left, but of course I don't know the dates before the end of the Second World. A lot more details could be added, but I don't know what should be added. Thoughts??
Do the fourth and fifth worlds have names similar to Sanya, Ak, and Da? Also is there a way to make text bigger without having a sub-section?