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Implement in Future World Events


Well-Known Member
*This thread is really more of a discussion than an suggestion in a couple senses*

I was wondering what the likelihood of random unique world Events on Loka is? In terms of unique I mean unique to biomes.

Would this ever be considered by the PVE team? The events could range from a random mob spawn to entire area of unique mob spawn and effects e.g. blindness in the marshes.

This is just a suggestion thread which is on the topic of if this is a feasible idea and if so would it be considered to use?


New Member
Its definitely possible, the issue is random world events are a lot of planning and overhead. In the end its really up to Crypt and Mag, do you have any ideas specifically for world events?


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Yes 'Events' are in the planning stages. (hence the rename of player run events to Festivals) The initial iteration will likely not be biome specific and instead be 'larger' more structured events. However I can certainly see us expanding this to more biome specific events or have existing events adapt depending on the biome they happen in. Would love to hear more ideas for events you have in mind.


Well-Known Member
Well just some quick events off the top of my head;

Swamp event: blindness and fatigue given to players in the swamp while stronger slimes spawn for the duration fo the event (a night). Slimes can also launch players when jumping which is particularlly punishing due to blindness.

Mountain event: winds push the players roughly in random directions which would make traveling at great heights more dangerous.

Jungle event: effects such as fatigue, nasua and hunger randomly appear like disease.

World Events: portals opening up randomly on tiles (hopefully ruins) which create unique mobs and area effects (portals having turrets and lamps which act the same as tgens would).

EDIT: I'm totally unsure if any of these would really fit into Loka or would even be feasible. However, I'm confident this would be interesting game play for players (new or old).


Active Member
Maybe a giant purple cube rolling around the map and morphing into a floating island would be cool
Yes, this has definitely never been done before and is a very good idea. Also, maybe remove the ship to Balak and have a giant blue bus instead? just a random idea :p