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No Plans to Implement would be nice if loka had some spectating a rivi/fight system


New Member
The system would work like /gamemode spectator, but you would be locked to spectating your own team only (reins side you are on/town/allience you are in) and you could only change the person you are spectating by using the hotbar you are presented on spectator mode, but as i said if its possible there would only be your teammates


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
Honestly I get what you want, but I feel that this could be abused, even if only locked onto one team.
After all, what is really stopping you from switching alliances just to stream for your original alliance?


New Member
i mean there could be an accept spectate system or some thing like that, if you want to spectate someone you do like /spectate "nick" and if there is a fight someone can accept your request


Community Rep
I feel like this would only be justified if there was a reason a player could not screen share the fight, other than that this seems more abusive than helpful.


Active Member
what if someone is sneaking charges you can be in the vc with the other side and just call it out its a stupid suggestion tbh