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Zachary_N_Kaleno for LCR

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Well-Known Member
IGN: Zachary_N_Kaleno (confused as to why say my name twice, if you clicked this app, you already know basic info number one)
Current rank: Sentry
What you think is expected of position: To be able to represent the views of the community in a non-bias, approachable, and understanding way, in order to be representative of the Loka Community, whether it is the PvP Community, Grind Community or Meme Community, they should all have someone who represents them.
Why you think players should support you: Well to begin off with I'm a friendly & open member of the community, I've been playing on the server for 2 years, experienced life on all continents, helpful to new and old players alike. A staff member which means I'm at the very VERY least a trusted member by other staff members, which should give some confidence in my ability. Not to mention I'm also an active member who's on if not everyday, atleast 6 days of the week.
When you started playing on the server: September 19th, 2019
(Optional) A category within Loka you'd like to represent (Building, PvP, Story, etc):
Time zone:
PST during DST, MST otherwise. Aka Arizona Time
How often do you play (hours a day/week): 12ish-18ish hours a week
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