Loka Forums

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  1. jakeman5


    I swear I worked too hard on this. Had to ban bat like 10 times to get these screenshots so you better institute it. So essentially I think it would be good if there was a bans section on the Loka website. I have essentially recreated what the website would look like so Cryptite and Magpieman...
  2. bat3415

    bat3415 for Guardian

    Age: 17 Current rank: Sentry Which rank you are applying for: Guardian What you think is expected of this rank: Guardians must remain unbiased in their rulings as admins. They must be on discord and the forums regularly to keep updated, as well as keeping up on players x-ray levels and...
  3. bat3415

    bat3415 for Sentry

    Age: 17 Current rank: Slicer Which rank you are applying for: Sentry What you think is expected of this rank: I realize that guardians are not always present, given that many of the ranking admins are in similar time zones, with the exception of Grubul and Magpie, and that sentries are...