Loka Forums

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  1. ballankaragul

    ballangregor ban appeal

    Hello, This is my second appeal for the same reason. You forgave me in my first appeal and I didnt enter the game for 2 months. A while ago I tried to enter and you banned me for having the same ip with the banned player. In my first appeal was my ban reason is my account having 2 ips because...
  2. P

    puurg perm ban appeal

    Hello Fellow Lokans! I came from school today and tried to play on Lokamc because loka is the best server... I then realized that ive been "permenantly" banned reason being "account sharing" and "assisting ban evasion" so one day I asked xicz if i he had an alt that he doesnt use so i could play...
  3. V

    vibincuh unban appeal

    As some, but not many know. I am a fairly new member of the Lokan community only starting my journey a couple of days ago, and I've received a punishment far worse than anyone would ever imagine, hacking. Now, I believe this was a false ban because of my intense lag and the fact that I am on a...