Loka Forums

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  1. Humbus

    I'm a builder! Looking to be recruited.

    IGN: Humbus Hello, I have been building for around 3 years. I can build in a wide variety of styles (granted I'd need help with resources and whatnot..) Specifically, I would like to be apart of a project that is not part of the wider "European Medieval" theme. I joined literally today, so if...
  2. ThePixelHero__


    Hey, i am recruiting for people to help me start a town. Requirements are, 1. You must be willing to ally with Miracalis 2. You must actually play Minecraft 3. You must not be toxic Name for the town will be decided upon foundation with the 3(+) founders deciding upon it by a vote. The...
  3. W

    [New Town] ~ Elderwood ~ [Now Recruiting]

    Elderwood Forum Post ====================================================================== Welcome to the Elderwood Town forum thread! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Worldscrafter and I am...