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I'm a builder! Looking to be recruited.


New Member
IGN: Humbus

Hello, I have been building for around 3 years. I can build in a wide variety of styles (granted I'd need help with resources and whatnot..)

Specifically, I would like to be apart of a project that is not part of the wider "European Medieval" theme. I joined literally today, so if I choose to be recruited by you--know that I will not know how the server works right off the bat.

Below are some projects that I've done in the past that are completed or ongoing.

Kingdom of Solomon/United Monarchy | Ancient Jerusalem 2020-2023


I basically put my blood and tears into building a city resembling Old Jerusalem. Over the span of 3 years, I built and would grind for the resources all on my own - mind you while on a towny server, meaning I'd need to balance the geopolitics of controlling the land of Israel/Palestine at the same time. It was fun for a while, but I will probably never get in a situation where I'm basically imprisoned on a server like that again. It was by far my largest survival build.

Desert Themed PvP Arena | Tobaiq (Completed 2024)

That would have been part of a larger build project which told a story about region similar to Persia, with a language similar to Persian farsi. This never came into being though as it became too time consuming.

Creative Server White-scale Build | United Realms of Aviora (Ongoing 2023-present)

This is a build I work on whenever I have spare time. When completed, it will be an urban metropolis that stretches down to the void. I originally made this to play with custom biomes, which I used for the trees. The build in itself will tell a story about 4 Duchies and Kingdoms who united in a confederation to protect a precious mineral which affects both gravity and human lifespan.

But yeah, that's it for relevant stuff. Reply with details about your town and how I can fit in!
Would love to get you in, but ngl with those abilities your better off with a better builder than me. McDanky is an amazing choice for builders!
Love the builds they are fire, reminds me of something out of Bakery builds.

Oko is recruiting and our build style is Anything asian, so it can be Traditional, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Renaissance, Studio Ghibli, anything, the only constant being that it's in an Asian style.

We're a relatively new town on the server and we only have one build put onto the server but we are working on plenty more on our build server and need help, here's an SS of our main tower:

DM Me mocc1 on discord if you're interested!

P.S., if you end up enjoying the server and want to help contribute, we'd love to see you on the build team!

Above are some of the latest pictures of Tican. I would suggest you join the wider Tican/Oko family (myself, @Mocc1, and @koi0001)!

Also a definite second to join the build team!
Tican is always hiring my man...

EDIT: Just fwiw, we usually all work off a similar build server so it's not like if you help one town you're stuck there we often look at eachothers town builds and help if we want.