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[New Town] ~ Elderwood ~ [Now Recruiting]


New Member
Elderwood Forum Post
Welcome to the Elderwood Town forum thread!
I am Worldscrafter and I am the founder to the Elderwood community. The purpose of this thread is to allow the members of Loka to apply to the Town or simply communicate with Elderwood.

Elderwood is based on the Ascalon Island of the server and our campaign will remain here for the foreseeable future. The long-term and primary goal of Elderwood is to create a great community of players from all corners of the server and enjoy our time on Loka together!

Taking a leaf out of Silverhand’s Town, Elderwood will look to give back to the server by hosting a multitude of events for prizes and a market place to encourage more player-to-player trade throughout the server.
A little about myself:
I have recently joined the server, January 2018 but have big plans. I enjoy pretty much all Minecraft has to offer, from building towers to slaying treacherous foes. Activities that the Town will get involved in should offer a little something to any and all potential member’s interested to apply.
Elderwood goals:
Become an Official Town!

- Take over a suitable territory [/]
- Gain first members to meet Town requirements [/]
- Gather enough Power Shards for 1 Months Power = 1,500 Shards []​


- 3 Town Members [/]
- 5 Town Members []
- 10 Town Members []
- 15 Town Members []​

Establish a solid base for the player base of the Town

- Landscape Town area []
- Create temporary player storage for Elderwood members []
- Create Town walls []​

Establish a solid base for the player base of the Town

- Achieve Town Level 5 [/]
- Achieve Town Level 10 []
- Achieve Town Level 15 []​
Elderwood Market
Currently in construction, the Elderwood market is not available.

In order to encourage player traffic to the town, both a Market forum post will be created and a server based market. Any prices found on the forum will be able to be bought from the market in-game for only 80% of the price. – Coming soon(ish)
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New Member
Elderwood Application Form
Minecraft Username:
Favourite Minecraft activity:
Will you be able to use Discord:
Hours played per week, roughly:
How long have you been playing the Loka server:
Time zone:
Have you read and fully understand the Server rules:​
What are you looking for from Elderwood:
What will you bring Elderwood:
Pictures of previous Minecraft builds/achievements:


Well-Known Member
This is so cool! I am excited to watch your idea grow into a reality. I love the idea of a player to player market but it is difficult to run one from a town that people have to travel to when there is a market at spawn, on servers I played on in the past being able to /tpa to people made this kind of idea easier to accomplish. I could see you having an Elderwood Market forum post that you update with items and prices constantly and people could reference if they wanted to trade with you. One question I have for you though is if you are planning on officially making a town or not? If you are planning to do this from a nomad base then all of your things will be at risk if anyone comes to trade, having an official town allows you to lock doors and actually protect your base.

Really hope this project takes off for you!


New Member
First of all Mrpisqualiee, thank you very much for checking out the post. I appreciate your kind words and advice, as I am aware you run quite a Town yourself.

The plan is to achieve 2 more members in the "Group" and I will then take a territory to officially release the Town on the server. In the mean time, when I am able to get online I am currently gathering shards in order to gain a good amount of power for the maintenance of the Town. As for the market, the incentive to come to the market will ideally be very low prices and a variety of items, which will be lowered at certain times of the week, typically at peak times.

Looking forward to the project myself, and may even release some sort of series on Youtube to track progression for my own entertainment and the Town members.


Best of luck to you! It can be difficult to run a town but you seem up to the challenge. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out and we’ll help you to the best of our ability


New Member
Thank you Thanius_ & ItsN8theGr8M8, really appreciate the posts! Although I am very new to the server, and there are many more players within the player base of Loka far more qualified, if I can help either of you in anyway, just know the same favor is extended your way. I look forward to seeing you all online.


New Member
Hello Loka!

Just a little rounding off post before bed. Tonight has been a successful one indeed. We managed to get our territory claimed and Town OFFICIALLY created. We are 3 members strong, and will be actively recruiting tomorrow.

Elderwood successfully claimed territory 109 which we had our eye on for sometime, this sanctuary will hopefully provide the fruitful resources necessary for the Elderlings to prosper. If anyone does read this, I would like to give a huge thank you to the many people that have been more than welcoming to not just me, but the whole Elderwood project throughout tonight on the server. Loka truly has a wonderful community, you know who you are.

Goodnight Lokalings.