Loka Forums

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  1. PartayArc

    Suggestion Update the Steam Group

    The Steam group's update logo thread was created in 2020 by @Marioistrash. Please Cryptite update the page to show the actual information, we are no longer on the minecraftarium site. Who here is still from that era? 😭
  2. Cryptite

    Welcome to 1.13.2!

    Welcome to 1.13.2! Notes on Updating: Optifine is available for 1.13.2 here. Resource packs changed heavily! Most likely your pack from 1.12 does not work. You can grab the latest 1.13 version of the Loka Pack here. New in 1.13.2 Not that much! As stated above, this is mostly just being...
  3. GeekyKidGamer

    No Plans to Implement Bring Stuff Back

    We recently updated Loka Supporter gags and perks. To be honest they’re really fun but they barely work. We could have many more FX instead of just 2 and only have 2 pets? That’s crazy my dude. We could have had all the old effects and had the new ones added as a “special” edition. And we could...