I'd like to inform you all of a very significant change coming to Loka that will affect the entire server. We will be removing the ability for players in towns to cover their chests as a means of preventing access to chests in town protection. We feel this change is necessary to balance the thieves vs towns equation that, many feel, has tipped heavily towards towns as of late.
What this means is that covered chests in any way will no longer be safe from opening. This change is meant to allow a more realistic hiding and protecting of chests.
Please note that this change will not be implemented until three weeks from now, giving time for all of you to adjust your vaults accordingly. Rounded up, that means that the morning of February 18th, the change will go into effect.
What this means is that covered chests in any way will no longer be safe from opening. This change is meant to allow a more realistic hiding and protecting of chests.
Please note that this change will not be implemented until three weeks from now, giving time for all of you to adjust your vaults accordingly. Rounded up, that means that the morning of February 18th, the change will go into effect.