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Suggestion A Government


New Member
The diplomacy in Loka is somewhat good, with there being alliances and peace treaties. Yet, without being the capital, you have little say in what is going on around the world. Which is why I suggest a governmental-like system being put in place. Each (large) town could select a diplomat to attend a congress where they vote on policies, discuss conflicts or just general gossip (similar to the UK parliament :/). I think this would put a lot more into alliances and the sort, as it creates a new sense of community.

On the subject of being the capital, I believe they should either have more votes or be able to veto decisions. If the capital was able to veto things, it would not be fair if a majority voted towards it. Unpopular capitals (*cough* Hilo *cough*) would have major power over other cities, which would be seen as unfair.

I think there should be 1 diplomat per 10 members of a town, as this stops a load of smaller towns being given the same power as large cities and it gives larger cities more say for their members. The government building could be one of the spawn buildings, or I could be a building inside the capital.

Personally, I wouldn't know how to implement such a feature. But I hope this is taken to consideration anyway.

Thanks for your time.


This is a great suggestion. I would definitely be interested in seeing some more government on this server!


Well-Known Member
Unpopular capitals (*cough* Hilo *cough*) would have major power over other cities, which would be seen as unfair.

The whole idea is great in all but earning capital is a big accomplishment and I believe that they should have major power over whomever is under their shadow, after all this is the reason people want to become capital right? Too have power over the rest and be able to choose from the policies that best help them and their alliance not all the other towns. And + this would reduce a lot of the blood shed I mean who would want that, I'm sure Crypt would not :D Though It would be nice to finally have some peace but all I'm saying is that Loka is not the diplomatic type world its all about Monarchy these days! :p