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Suggestion Add Bank to the Village


Well-Known Member
I mean I get it but aren’t lores and cores kinda the universal valuables? That would instantly go in the bank?
Not necessarily, people put a lot of value into even the most mundane of items.

For example, I have a book in my enderchest. It's not lored, it's not needed in the ender chest, I don't even read the book, but I keep it in there because it was the welcoming book for the first town I joined. I could replace it with another valuable item such as a stack of Cores or server lore. But I don't. Some things just have way more value to some people than you'd think.


Active Member
Ok but couldn’t sentimental items (I have some too) just sit in a shulker in whatever town you’re in. I don’t see why a town owner would take it
Not necessarily, people put a lot of value into even the most mundane of items.

For example, I have a book in my enderchest. It's not lored, it's not needed in the ender chest, I don't even read the book, but I keep it in there because it was the welcoming book for the first town I joined. I could replace it with another valuable item such as a stack of Cores or server lore. But I don't. Some things just have way more value to some people than you'd think.


Well-Known Member
Ok but couldn’t sentimental items (I have some too) just sit in a shulker in whatever town you’re in. I don’t see why a town owner would take it
Because those “sentimental items” have immense value to certain collectors. I have an original welcome to Auru book that I keep in my echest that I could sell for a fair price if I wanted. I would argue that most of my wealth is in items I have obtained through the years.


Well-Known Member
Because those “sentimental items” have immense value to certain collectors. I have an original welcome to Auru book that I keep in my echest that I could sell for a fair price if I wanted. I would argue that most of my wealth is in items I have obtained through the years.
this guy gets it


Well-Known Member
Ok but couldn’t sentimental items (I have some too) just sit in a shulker in whatever town you’re in. I don’t see why a town owner would take it
You say that, but I have had town owners take some sentimental items from me before.

Got them back eventually, but that just debunks that whole branch of argument