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Well-Known Member
So...that last time I've seen a new player join Loka has been over two weeks ago. I really think we need to try to advertise more, so we will get new players. I'm not sure how to do this, but maybe here we can talk about, or you can say where you found it, so we know what works. I found it from the Minecraft Forums Server List thing. So how can we advertise more?
Advertising was always something we've needed to work on. I think, however, we need to make sure our new player experience is pretty well implemented before we do so. The trainee course needs a little work, we need to implement and rebuild our information areas for things like town, PvP, etc. Once these things are all good to go, then I agree we should do a heavy push for advertising.
MCSL is has been down for a few days nd it gets us most of our newbs I think. They're revamping the website so it should be up again soonish.
Cryptite said:
I think, however, we need to make sure our new player experience is pretty well implemented before we do so. The trainee course needs a little work...
Is there anything I could do to help with this? If there is, I would so love to help with anything.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Cryptite said:
I think, however, we need to make sure our new player experience is pretty well implemented before we do so. The trainee course needs a little work...
Is there anything I could do to help with this? If there is, I would so love to help with anything.
If you wanted to have a go at writing a thing that advertises the server, I'm sure that could be put up for consideration, our current one sucks.
mopb3 said:
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Cryptite said:
I think, however, we need to make sure our new player experience is pretty well implemented before we do so. The trainee course needs a little work...
Is there anything I could do to help with this? If there is, I would so love to help with anything.
If you wanted to have a go at writing a thing that advertises the server, I'm sure that could be put up for consideration, our current one sucks.

Oh my goodness I'll do that, like, now.
Wait, like a short thing or a longer thing?
You could do both, one as a sort of strapline and then one longer one. Nothing ridiculously long, it can't be an essay.
Loka is a PvP server with a protected spawn and no chest protection. Stealing is allowed, but be careful about it, as people can steal their items right back. From the unique role play to the various towns, then right into our PvP arenas and our Valley of the Artifacts, a enjoyable game played exclusively on Loka. You are sure to enjoy our server. But be forewarned: Loka is not for everyone. You survive or you die. You give up or you try. You get raided or you hide. You can stand alone or have friends by your side. Will you survive?

Um, do you consider this long or short?
And, what do you like what do you think I should change?
MinecraftJedi127 said:
You survive or you die. You give up or you try. You get raided or you hide. You can stand alone or have friends by your side. Will you survive?
This bit is gold.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
You survive or you whine. You give up or you complain. You get raided or you invite an admin to your town. You can stand alone or get betrayed by everyone you trust. Will you survive?
Psychedelic98 said:
MinecraftJedi127 said:
You survive or you whine. You give up or you complain. You get raided or you invite an admin to your town. You can stand alone or get betrayed by everyone you trust. Will you survive?
After escaping the other worlds, we find ourselves here, on the world of Spunkiethebest (yes that should absolutely be the name.) With no supplies, we traveled far to create towns, protected by ancient technology we adapted for ourselves. We soon began our lives again, hoping to amass riches for when we return. However, with the Old World's threats now looming, the towns at nearly constant conflict, and lone thieves and looters who attack the weak, Spunkiethebest is a land of conflict- and is not for all.

The Artifact: Spunkiethebest is a PvP server with spawn protection, and anti-grief plugins. If you amass enough minerals, you can create a generator, which, for a cost, will protect a large chunk of land and cost a certain number of emeralds (a currency that diamonds, gold, etc. can convert into) each day.

The rules can be found here: http://loka.minecraftarium.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=748

Our forum and wiki can be found here: http://loka.minecraftarium.com/

Server Adress: loka.minecraftarium.com

EDIT: Are we focusing on Lore-y bits or Gameplay-y bits?
KenuDragonfire said:
Are we focusing on Lore-y bits or Gameplay-y bits?

Little of both, I'd say. I'd also talk about the uniqueness of the server in that town work completely differently than your standard Towny, etc as well as our pvp systems. Mentioning the blight of the old world and our run-ins with the likes of Freyjia, Preksak, and others could appeal to the lore types as well.
Welcome to Loka! We are a PvP server that has a protected Spawn, no chest protection, and much uniqueness. We have a one of a kind town system, which uses a generator to protect land, if you can pay for it. It uses emeralds. Don’t fret, iron, gold, and diamonds can be converted into emeralds through our bank. We have arenas, and PvP rankings with certain seasons and rewards for our highest rankers. We also recently had a reset. But on Loka, we don’t call it a reset. We Role Play.
Our world has ended once again. I remember the Bomb that destroyed our first world. (No I don’t, but I read about it.) The evil Preksak for some reason wanted to kill us, but we survived. Then we moved to Loka, were we lived safely, until Preksak returned and destroyed our Spawn. Without the help of Freyjia of Asgard, Loka would have blown up too. But much later, an Obelisk appeared. Then the Blight took hold of us. Sickness, insanity, and mycelium raged through the land. But we survived, for we are Lokans.
Lastly, and very importantly, Loka is not for everyone. Stealing is allowed. Griefing is not, but raiding is. Only the toughest survive. Will survive or you die. You give up or you try. You get raided or you hide. You stand alone or have friends by your side. Will you survive?
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Welcome to Loka! We are a PvP server that has a protected Spawn, no chest protection, and much uniqueness. We have a one of a kind town system, which uses a generator to protect land, if you can pay for it. It uses emeralds. Don’t fret, iron, gold, and diamonds can be converted into emeralds through our bank. We have arenas, and PvP rankings with certain seasons and rewards for our highest rankers. We also recently had a reset. But on Loka, we don’t call it a reset. We Role Play.
Our world has ended once again. I remember the Bomb that destroyed our first world. (No I don’t, but I read about it.) The evil Preksak for some reason wanted to kill us, but we survived. Then we moved to Loka, were we lived safely, until Preksak returned and destroyed our Spawn. Without the help of Freyjia of Asgard, Loka would have blown up too. But much later, an Obelisk appeared. Then the Blight took hold of us. Sickness, insanity, and mycelium raged through the land. But we survived, for we are Lokans.
Lastly, and very importantly, Loka is not for everyone. Stealing is allowed. Griefing is not, but raiding is. Only the toughest survive. Will survive or you die. You give up or you try. You get raided or you hide. You stand alone or have friends by your side. Will you survive?

Hey can I advertise this server on Punchwood.com? Its a forums for Fans of the YouTuber Paulsoarsjr and it will bring in a lot of nice folk. http://www.punchwood.com/index.php?/forum/11-minecraft/
As long as you cast our server in the proper light and you're reasonably confident the community is good and not awful, any advertising is good advertising!