Wondering if anyone had suggestions of what gear you should have. We are not doing different classes so please do not suggest that. We wanted to use leather amour that was as strong or slightly stronger than iron so we can colour it depending on arena rank by using enchants on it.
I would also like to know your thoughts on health regeneration. I personally think there should be no health regen as players can get back to full health so easily by running away as regen is so fast atm. Ghostcraft has no health regen and that system works really well. Bows are at a massive disadvantage atm cos of regen. We could maybe add a regen pot that players could use tactically as well as the normal health pot.
I would also like to know your thoughts on health regeneration. I personally think there should be no health regen as players can get back to full health so easily by running away as regen is so fast atm. Ghostcraft has no health regen and that system works really well. Bows are at a massive disadvantage atm cos of regen. We could maybe add a regen pot that players could use tactically as well as the normal health pot.