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Arena gear and mechanics


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Wondering if anyone had suggestions of what gear you should have. We are not doing different classes so please do not suggest that. We wanted to use leather amour that was as strong or slightly stronger than iron so we can colour it depending on arena rank by using enchants on it.

I would also like to know your thoughts on health regeneration. I personally think there should be no health regen as players can get back to full health so easily by running away as regen is so fast atm. Ghostcraft has no health regen and that system works really well. Bows are at a massive disadvantage atm cos of regen. We could maybe add a regen pot that players could use tactically as well as the normal health pot.
I'm in favor of regen because I don't believe a match should be only about who does the most damage, period. Without regen, there's no way the tide of a fight can be changed without having to use a regen pot, which is a possibility, I suppose; but if we added it, I think regen should still remain, but perhaps be lowered. If somebody is running away from you, chase them down and kill them, it's not difficult. Players who regen to full have been allowed to. The current arena layouts are all designed so that you can't get stuck in a game of chasing somebody as there are always alternate routes to people where you can cut them off.

And my apologies, but if you think you bows are disadvantaged, then you're not very good with bow. I win perhaps half of my fights with the bow alone. Then again I don't lag that much.
Crypt the issue is your arenas are far to basic and people want more complex designs. These more complex designs will not work with regen. The current arenas are 50/50 chance of winning half the time cos of lag. More complex arenas that stay away from sword focused fights would mean the better play would win more often and it would not be based on lag.

One option is to have 2 different game modes. One would be simple open arenas like we currently have and with that we include regen if you like is so much (most people i have spoken to support no regen). And another is more complex arenas without any regen.
The lag isn't going to change just because the arenas are more complex, and I think people are misunderstanding the point of arenas as opposed to a "greater pvp experience". Arenas are meant, in their complete entirety, to be very basic levels that are meant to test simple 1v1 or 2v2 pvp player skills with minor terrain differences that exist mostly just for line-of-site disruption, that's it.

I think the problem is that arenas do not appeal to all and I think there's a desire for different kinds of pvp experiences. Arenas will cater to some groups, but others want a larger system where there's more teamwork involved and not just one pvp system that's just a way to separate the great solo pvpers from those who might do better in a supportive role.

I think what I'm interested in doing after implementing arenas is implementing the different pvp games and, well, I'll use world of warcraft again as an example. Instead of doing arenas, maybe we introduce battlegrounds. Battlegrounds are a larger game with a bigger map that can be perhaps 5v5 or 10v10 (if that didn't blow up the server) where there can be different game modes; CTF, king of the hill, etc. I think that is where we can start getting into the more complex pvp maps and stuff. I know i'd have fun doing those too.

I think what has happened is that (understandably) people were trying to push arenas into being something different entirely, and I think that something different entirely might just be BGs. This is why I'm so against all these huge different arena-types that people want. What do you guys think?
Cryptite said:
I think what has happened is that (understandably) people were trying to push arenas into being something different entirely, and I think that something different entirely might just be BGs.

I agree, but this includes you as well.

You first built the arena at spawn so you'd no longer need to get involved in conflicts such as mine and Psych's. Then you were inspired by WoW and out popped rated arenas. The server saw you getting excited over these arenas so they got excited as well. Now you're saying, no, we're dong it my way which is fair enough since you're the coder, but if you want arenas to be as successful as possible I'd consider the suggestions.

As far as other types of PvP games go... I think we should keep this to one or two events. We do not want to take away from towns that like to build arenas and host games.
I'm not saying I won't change anything at all, as we can certainly incorporate some of the ideas, but some of the ideas, I think, are a little too far removed from the original idea of arenas (like complex arenas with multi-heights and rooms). Super-complex arenas to me wind up being more like deathmatch arenas, except with 2 people in them, you're running around most of the time trying to find the other person, which is why I think arenas should be smaller. You should be able to see your opponent, and, most of the time, know where they are, but that's just me.

The other thing I think there might be different arguments going on for are things that are for fun and things that should be 'rated' or valuable. FFA matches could certainly be implemented, but those simply can't be rated because of how random they are.

Also, I built the arena at spawn because we've known for awhile people wanted a place to be able to spar on equal grounds and neutral territory. We'd talked about a spawn arena since the moment we started building the new spawn
But that's exactly what people want and that's why we can vary the seasons. Everyone has their own preferences for PvP. Personally I don't believe arena combat is at all representative of combat experience/skill, but it's fun nonetheless. Those who do want a better representation of skill, or perhaps just a greater challenge, prefer more complex arenas and battles where FPS doesn't have as much of an affect. So one season we use the basic arenas we have at the moment, another season we use large, complex arenas, and another is entirely FFA matches.

Cryptite said:
Also, I built the arena at spawn because we've known for awhile people wanted a place to be able to spar on equal grounds and neutral territory. We'd talked about a spawn arena since the moment we started building the new spawn

We never actually discussed what this arena would include. We've now taken your idea and run with it.
Fair enough. Let us run season 1, then, and see what people think at the end. Back to Mag's point anyway, how long should a season last? 2-3 months perhaps?
I would say 2 months. i think we could rank 1v1 and 2v2 but 4 player matches shouldn't be ranked like crypt said. Question is whether its 4ffa or 4 v 4.
Exactly my thought, if pvp starts to become a big deal, we'll introduce that then. For now though, aside from the casual game or two, we may only have about a dozen serious pvpers.
Really, people want this on Loka:


And also 1v1 and bow matches and every other PvP experience known to man; can't really have it all.

EDIT: And yes, those 12 serious PvPers want 32 v. 32 matches.