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Aurulian Nether's Eve Festival

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Well-Known Member
Nether's Eve Festival
Location: Auru
Date: Monday, October 28th

Time: 4PM Server Time

Hello everyone! Welcome to Auru's first festival, a celebration in honor of Nether's Eve, also known as Halloween. We've created a bunch of events for you guys and are super excited to make something fun for you all. Everyone is invited to come hang out and do our events, with some fun prizes and stuff like that. Come see our decorations, and wandering the Spookified version of Auru! Without further ado, I'll explain the events.

Maze of the Pumpkin King
Wander into the mouth of a giant pumpkin, and try not to get lost.... or do, you'll find your way out eventually... Or will you? This event will begin at 4:15PM Server Time, and the first one to find their way out of the maze will be gifted with a special prize. Everyone else will get something, though. :) There also may be shards hidden throughout the maze... Located in the Main Event Area.

Spooky Parkour
You've done parkour, but have you ever done parkour straight from Hell? Well, now's the time to try! Beginning at 4:30PM Server Time, the Spooky Parkour will open, and a special gift awaits the first one to reach the top... if any are able to! Everyone able to reach the top will receive a prize! Located in the Main Event Area.

Diving for Apples
"Diving?" Yes, diving. "Where?" Into Lava.
Don't worry, we'll give you fire res.
Jump into a volcano and search for the chest that contains the apple. Sounds easy enough, right? Located at the Volcano, just north of the Spire.

Pumpkin Pie Baking Contest
Don't forget to bring a pumpkin pie to the festival! If you do, we'll line it up, write your name on a hidden sign, one of us will roll a 100 sided die for each pie. Whoever's pie gets the highest roll the "highest quality-" will win shards! Located in the Main event Area.

Haunted Library
Come get some free spooky books at the Haunted Library! If anyone wants to donate books to be given out, let me know! Located in the giant skull next to the the Volcano, just north of the Spire.

The Graveyard
Many things are dead. Come honor past memes memories in the Graveyard. Located just south of the Spire.
If anyone wishes to have a stall to sell stuff during the festival, please PM me on discord and I'll get you set up as a builder on Sunday so you can create your stall.

I look forward to seeing you all there! Reply here or message me on discord if you have any questions!
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Well-Known Member
Thank you all for attending the event! Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoyed it! We look forward to maybe hosting another event in the future. If you guys have any feedback let us know how we can improve for the future.
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